How to Master the Art of Reinvention
Celso Filho
Learning Designer | Sr Manager Learning and Development | Performance Consultant, Global Product Learning | Bilingual English-Portuguese
Monday. The alarm goes off at 6 AM. Your first thought is one of sadness. You have to face a new week, and once again, the days of rest flew by.
How many times have you felt this way?
It’s neither easy nor fun to leave the comfort of your bed to work. But if this has become a constant and difficult struggle, it's a warning sign.
Among the various causes, you might feel stagnant or disengaged. Your current job is not providing enough stimulation. At this moment, you realize: it's time to reinvent yourself.
According to the report Protecting the Future of Work, 53% of people want to change careers. So if you’re experiencing this, you’re not alone. The social and economic crisis caused by COVID-19 has led many to rethink their priorities. What was once very important may no longer be relevant. Now it's time to change priorities.
However, whether it’s a big or small change, career changes always bring fear into the equation. How can you reinvent yourself without losing everything you've built?
That's the goal of today's discussion: to understand which paths to follow during a time of uncertainty, but also full of opportunities.
Come with me.
Be Patient
As you already know, haste makes waste.
Initially, there will be so many new things to learn and possibilities to explore that your first impulse will be to dive into them all. But you need to be calm and plan. Ask yourself: what are you really looking for?
Reinvention can come in different forms. Maybe you just need to update yourself and discover new processes. But perhaps you’re seeking a complete and radical change, even a transition to another field.
The first phase should be reserved for planning and understanding your desires. There's no point in taking various courses only to find out in the end that it wasn’t what you wanted.
So take a deep breath and be patient.
Find What Engages You
Once you've done your initial planning, it’s important to understand your purpose. Recently, I posted about engagement. When we’re not engaged, laziness sets in, and we don’t achieve any results. This lack of motivation is resolved when we find our purpose and give meaning to what we do.
Now you might say: “Celso, but I have no idea what my purpose is.”
I understand; it’s not an easy thing to discover. But it’s possible to think of a way.
First, write down everything you like to do, regardless of your profession. With this initial list, think of everything you do well. Finally, cross-reference the two lists.
What aspects are the same? Which of them can bring good results for you and others?
Your purpose might lie there.
But there's no magic formula to find it. The main tool that will help you is self-awareness.
Step Out of Your Bubble
Don’t be afraid to experiment. During the reinvention process, it will be important to meet new people. Broaden your horizon, talk, and discover things you never imagined.
At this moment, it's crucial to have contact with diverse people and expand your networking. The more different contacts you have, the more doors will open.
Beyond the opportunities, it’s important to step out of your comfort zone. This is the ideal time to explore.
Reach out to that professional you always admired, start a course you never had time for, or attend that conference in another field that you find interesting. All these experiences will be important and enriching.
Be Flexible
As with everything in life, you will face problems. The planning might not work out, and that person you wanted to talk to might ignore you. It happens.
That's why flexibility is important. Besides being a highly valued soft skill in the market, it's essential at this time. Building your career is a lifelong task. It will never be completely finished and polished.
Therefore, develop the sensitivity to understand when it’s necessary to change course or slow down. All this will be important for you to make more accurate choices.
Celebrate Your Achievements
The process of reinvention can be slow. No change is easy, and you will need to discover paths you've never traveled before. So celebrate all your achievements.
Results are important, but you need to fall in love with the process. Focusing entirely on the end of the journey without paying attention to what brought you there is not beneficial. Pay attention to every small step you take. Even if slow, they are the ones that will lead you to your goal.
Did these tips help you? Do you feel more courageous to seek new paths in your career? Let's continue this conversation in the comments.