How Marketing Is Like A School Bully!

How Marketing Is Like A School Bully!

Heading back to school can be an exciting time for most of the kids. But, for many, returning to school can also mean facing a bully and dealing with the anxiety that comes from seeing and interacting with that person.

So, is getting into Business. It might seem excited to go ahead with the idea of Business and earn a fortune, but facing the most challenging part, the Fundamental part of Business, which is Marketing, is a skill that can be mastered only by facing it and practising it.

First and foremost, to clear the misconception that Marketing and Sales both mean the same, is not true.

Sales refer to all activities that lead to the selling of goods and services. And marketing is the process of getting people interested in the goods and services being sold.

So, how could a sale happen, if the person is not aware that such a product or a service does exist?

It's only through Marketing that people get to know about your product/service.

Marketing is a Psychology to reach people who need it, people who are looking for it.

It is a perception, a language that the customer understands.

Marketing starts even before the product is created. It is a strategy to win over the mind of the customer and become the solution for his pain points.

Once you have a marketing strategy set up, only then can you begin to focus on sales.

For this to happen, clear communication, the right communication to the right target audience at the right time is the crux of the Business. There is no need to compete with anyone else, be Unique about your product/service. Be Authentic, Genuine and Significant in projecting yourself and your Brand regarding your product/service.

The Law of Marketing is as universal as the Law of Gravity. Once all parameters are followed, it definitely shows results.

Marketing is introducing an awareness about your product to the market. The product has to be so supreme that, it sells by itself.

If the product is great, the customers themselves become the Brand Ambassadors of your product.

Advertising, copywriting, sales all are components of marketing, which enhance the reach of your product.

Marketing cannot be outsourced completely,

if you know how to market and sell, then you are unstoppable always.

You too could contribute to Global economics with your knowledge sharing, your unique product, your learning, your perception. There are always people who need our product/services.

It's only that you should know where to find them and reach out to them. This is called Target audience. And there are ways of finding them, instead of shooting in the dark and missing the real target.

Presently the Indian Market is becoming Big, as any country’s economy grows and goes up as the country’s average age goes up. So is India. Now, the average Indian age is 26.8years.

A young and energetic India evolving into a Developed Nation.

As per research, currently, Wealth in India is concentrated in India 1 segmented audience.

Studies have shown that this India 1 segmented audience are:

1.  Population of 110m

2.  Their per capita income is $8,800

3.  With a GDP of $1.80tn

4.  Spread across around 23m households

5.  With credit card spending power of 37m

6.  And 18m household with Wi-Fi connections

7.  Having cars, laptops and 25m online shoppers.

8.  These targeted customers are in the top 10 cities of India.

9.  Their buying power is 30-50m until 2025.

10.These are the people who can make more than 5 lakhs per year in Income.

Once these people are addressed for their needs and pain points, the system percolates to the lower segments and hence the overall economy grows.

Just as in India, in the 1960s and 70s, owning a car, a fridge or an own house was a luxury for the common man. Having a landline was a mark of great dignity in the vicinity.

Now, it has become more of a mandatory of a minimum furnished house with these facilities, they are no more a luxury item. People scale up to reach this segment of society and that is how the class of target audience upgrades.

Once the need is created, then it is a mere sale, no more thrusting or forcing the customer to buy your product/service is required. The customer himself/herself searches for it and reaches to you on the affordability.

All these targeted audiences could be reached via traditional as well as digital marketing as well.

Though, depending on your product – its usability, reachability you could choose to market through TVs or Radio or Newspapers or in retail or through mouth publicity or through direct response marketing.

Presently Digital Marketing is the best medium to reach the affluent English speaking population in India with a spending power of 100m users.

If you are looking at growing yourself and the economy then the best formula to practice is:

          Wealth = n^CATT

This is a proven Formula by Digital Deepak who has been in this field for more than a decade and came up with this astounding Formula for creating wealth.

The parameters here are:

1.  n stands for your Niche( your strong Unique USP)

2.  C stands for Content

3.  A stands for attention

4.  T stands for Trust

5.  T stands for Transaction

Serve the target audience with what you can contribute, as per their need.

Nurture them with your content. Guide them and educate them.

Seek their attention towards you.

Build trust and credibility.

And then make the transaction or conversion.

This way the person becomes a lifelong customer and identifies himself/herself as a family.

This is how you can use the Integrated Digital Marketing Framework, using your Talent and Passion towards marketing yourself. Instead of using the tools individually and not getting the expected results.

This is a holistic approach towards making yourself visible to the Market.

Through this process, You are actually coming out in the open, showing up, making your presence felt and creating an Impact.

This is nothing but building Your PERSONAL BRAND.

The Best known will always beat the Best, as the saying goes.

There’s no point in high-end hype Marketing if you are not confident about your Unique Product/service.

 And there is no use if you are unable to showcase your Inner core as your strengths and create your Visibility.

 Your Personal Brand is as Unique & Authentic as your Name.

 You become popular if your name resonates around, so is your Personal Brand.

 If people are able to identify with you, relate to you and are seeking guidance and help from you, then it means you have made a mark and created your space in their minds which is resonating.

 Once this happens, then it leads to several opportunities for all and brings a transformation within you as well as people interacting with you.

 Money changes hands and the economy starts growing. You too are contributing to the Global economy.

 This is not an overnight process.

 It is like ploughing a field, creating the right conditions for seeding, then seeding, next nurturing and watering, looking after its growth, protecting from external hazards, manuring and finally harvesting.

 All this with Love & Compassion towards what you are contributing.

 In this process, the Evolution of Your Personal Brand too happens.

 1.  Initially You start to Learn

2.  You start to work on your learning

3.  Implementing it leads to exposure

4.  Start Blogging for visibility

5.  Leads to consulting

6.  People asking for mentoring

7.  Gives you Experience & Expertise

8.  To start up your own business idea

9. Scale up and spread yourself

10.Lead by example


As Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Sir said,

“Dreams are that, which do not allow you to sleep.”

We too can achieve our dreams by following the protocols.

Yes, the whole idea of conducting a Business, Marketing yourself might seem as a school bully.

 But, it has to be tackled with a strategy and dealt with appropriately.

 Once you are friends with your school bully, there is a strength within that whatever comes, he is there to handle.

 So, is Business. Once the Marketing is followed strategically, you positioning yourself appropriately, then it’s a smooth flow and the systems are in place.

 Humans might fail, but systems never fail.

 Follow the

1.  Law of Marketing

2.  Learn and Master the Skill of communication

3.  Contribute to the Global Economy

4.  Use the Formula:

   Wealth = n^CATT

5.  Build and Evolve as a Personal Brand.


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