How To Market Products Or Services With Proven Results
Mike Friend
Creator and Host of Beyond The Uniforms Podcast and Newsletter ??? | Helping businesses leverage AI & Automation to Improve Processes and Save Money | Veteran ???? | Prior LEO
The best way to sell products or services with a proven track record is through joint venture partnerships whose clients, customers or patients have a need for what you sell.
However, for this strategy to work, you must know your product / service actually produces the results claimed by its manufacturer, and you should be able to predict specific (minimum) results over a fixed period of time (lose 10 pounds in 21 days… facial wrinkles disappear within 14 days, etc).
If your JV's involve anyone in the medical community, position your product / service as a "clinical study." If it involves anyone outside of the medical field, position it as a "focus group."
Here's the basic premise.?You want to sell your product / service and you need your JV partner to endorse you and represent you to their established database.
On the other hand, your JV partner wants to generate additional leads for their business, and they can use your product / service with its proven results to do that.
Getting started…?begin by creating a direct mail letter or email aimed at your targeted list of prospective JV partners and explain that you want to partner with them so you can both grow your businesses.
Explain your product / service to them and how they can use it to attract new client's into their business through the offer of a free clinical study / focus group.
A total of 20 prospects (not current clients - have them use the study / focus group to generate fresh prospects) would be accepted into the program… 10 of them will use the product and 10 will be given a placebo.
If at all possible, the first time this strategy is used with a new JV partner, the product / service as well as the placebo should be provided for free. There should be NO initial cost to your new JV partner.
During the entire trial period,?each participant should be assessed at specific intervals by the JV partner so they can build rapport and a relationship can be established.
Done properly, the JV partner should be able to convert 30% (minimum) of the total participants into new paying clients for their business.
After the trial period,?the 10 participants using the product will see the predicted results and will naturally want to continue using the product.
The JV partner can then set up a landing page on their website where these new clients can order all future products and the JV receives an affiliate commission on each sale.
Next,?publish the results the original 10 achieved to the 10 that were on the placebo. Once they see their results, they will want to use it as well. They will also be willing to purchase it, so they too can be directed to the website.
The End Result…
Each JV partner can potentially add between 6 to 12 new clients to their business since they had more than ample time to establish a relationship as well as solid rapport with them during the trial period, and they also now have the potential for 20 new clients ordering your product or service on a regular basis which provides the JV partner with a lucrative passive income.
They can now indefinitely duplicate these results by repeating this process over and over… continuously offering this same clinical study / focus group scenario… and averaging the same amount of new clients to their business and website transactions to grow their passive online income.
For you as the product / service provider, you now have up to 20 new customers buying your product / service through this affiliate partnership, and since the JV partner now has measureable and quantifiable financial results from the initial trial, you can now charge them each time they conduct their trial or study moving forward. You should also ask the JV partner for referrals as well.
Here's a specific example.?Let's assume you're a chiropractor and you want to generate new clients. Unfortunately, you have no money for marketing. Here's what you do.
Find a product or service that compliments your practice such as health supplements, weight loss programs or perhaps colon cleanses. If you already offer these as the doctor… then that's great. If you don't, find one of these products that actually works and that has proven results.
The proven results should include a specific time frame in which those results will be realized… such as lose 10 pounds in 21 days… or your facial wrinkles will disappear within 14 days and so on.
When you find the product or service that meets these criteria, contact the manufacturer or service provider and explain this strategy to them. Tell them you will generate a minimum of 30 new customers for them each month in exchange for them providing you with 30 of their products at no cost to you (or at least at THEIR cost).
Once you establish this relationship, create a list of complimentary businesses that market to your target patient profile.
So for a chiropractor, complimentary businesses might include massage therapists, rehabilitation clinics, retirement communities, acupuncturists, naturopaths or possibly health food stores.
Inform them you're offering a clinical trial in which every participant will receive a series of free products and services totaling $XXXX (this total is based on the retail price of the doctors services and the retail price of the product or service you receive from the manufacturer you make the deal with).
These businesses should be willing to promote your clinical trial to their customers and database as a value add for their own business.
Their customers will see this as a valuable offer and credit the complimentary business owner for recommending it to them (why would anyone object to receiving an offer for $XXXX in free health services?)
Here's how this clinical trial will be set up. A total of 20 prospects will be accepted into the program… 10 of them will receive the actual product produced by the manufacturer… and 10 will receive a placebo.
The chiropractor should NOT offer the clinical trial to current patients - they should use it to generate new patients. Remember, each participant in the trial is receiving everything for free. There should be NO initial cost to them at all.
During the entire trial period,?let's say in this case that's 21 days, each patient should be assessed at specific intervals by the chiropractor so the doctor can build rapport and establish a personal relationship.
So for the chiropractor, on day 1 of the trial they would have all 20 of the participants come into their office and the doctor would perform a full physical and a complete work up on each patient. They would NOT deliver a report of findings… just note on their chart any additional abnormalities the chiropractor knows can be corrected with future treatment.
The chiropractor's staff can do most of this so the doctor doesn't have to invest their time except for the time required to build rapport and explain the program and its intended results to each patient. The doctor then meets with each patient again on days 5, 10, 15 and day 21. The trial is completed on day 21.
At each of these meetings, the doctor meets with each patient and takes relevant measurements that track the progress (or lack of progress for the placebo group) that each patient is attaining as they use the product or service provided by the manufacturer or service provider.
On day 21, the final assessment of results is completed and the doctor meets with each patient for an in-depth "report of findings." Since the manufacturer's product produces proven results, the 10 participants using it will achieve those predicted results and will naturally want to continue using the product in the future.
And since they saw the exact results the doctor said they would experience, the doctor now has established massive preeminence in the eyes of that patient. The doctor can then present the additional physical problems they uncovered during their initial exam and enroll this patient into their main chiropractic treatment program, gaining a new patient in the process.
So the chiropractor now has a new patient in their practice and has generated a new client for the manufacturer. Out of the 10 patients in the test group using the real product, 7 to 8 of the 10 patients should convert into new patients for the doctor and customers for the manufacturer.
The exact same process is repeated for all 10 members in the placebo group… with one important exception. They're informed they were members of the placebo group and their lack of results should be emphasized. They are then informed of the first group's results. Naturally, they will want to experience those results for themselves and will immediately want to order the product or service that was provided to the first group.
They will also receive special treatment offers from the chiropractor following their report of findings and thanks to the rapport and trust the doctor was able to establish over the consecutive meetings they held with them during the trial period, 7 to 8 of them will also convert into new patients in the doctors regular treatment program.
The bottom line for this chiropractor… they gain 14 to 16 new patients for their practice and 15 to 20 new back end product purchasers for the manufacturer. (NOTE: the chiropractor will know the exact numbers each trial will produce once they offer this clinical trial several times).
The chiropractor can then perform as many of these clinical trials as they so choose, often running three to five of them per month. Since each study lasts just 21 days, this strategy could easily produce 45 to 50 new patients for their practice every month along with 60 new product purchasers for the manufacturer.
The typical chiropractic patient has a lifetime value of $2500, so just the patients alone are worth $112,500 to $125,000 EVERY MONTH to the chiropractor! If the backend product or service nets the manufacturer a $50 monthly profit that would generate an additional $30,000 in annual passive revenue for every 3 sets of clinical trials the chiropractor conducts.
That's not too bad a rate of return for the chiropractor when you consider they're investing limited time and zero marketing dollars in this program. It's also a great rate of return for the manufacturer for investing in 10 free samples per trial.
The chiropractor has other options however. They could become an affiliate with the manufacturer or service provider and pay them a wholesale price for their product or service and then sell it themselves at the retail price and create a lucrative passive income on the back end.
The doctor could then reduce their involvement by setting up a landing page on their website where their new clients can order all future products and the chiropractor receives an affiliate commission on each sale.
The doctor could then send out an email or direct mail letter to their entire patient database informing them of the superb results the clinical trials are producing and further compel additional patients to buy their supplements.
Another option… the chiropractor could set up a continuity program where they offer to provide the manufacturers product or service on a monthly basis. They could offer a discount for a one year commitment and set up the payment collection and product / service delivery on a preset schedule that would be hands-free to the doctor. This also provides a lucrative passive income to the doctor.
If the doctor averaged just 20 patients on this program every month, after 12 months they would have 240 patients in this continuity program. If the doctor was making a profit of only $20 per patient per month, they would be making $4,800 per MONTH ($57,600 per year) at this point, and that number would continue to grow every month.
Note: this is passive income only and does NOT take into account the additional patients produced for the practice.
Final option… once the chiropractor performs a series of these clinical trials and collects documented results, they will begin to generate specific results that fall within specific parameters. For example, they will discover that for every clinical trial they hold, they will generate "on average" 15 new patients for their practice and 18 new customers for their supplements.
They can also assign a revenue figure to those numbers and then project that number over 5 years (the average life of a small business).
Now for the million dollar question… do you suppose other chiropractors might be interested in doing this exact same thing?
Do you think those other chiropractors would be willing to pay a setup fee of perhaps $10,000 and a monthly licensing fee of $397 for the rights to continue to license this process from the original chiropractor?
If you were a chiropractor, would you pay $10,000 and then $397 per month for someone to hand you a proven and tested way to add $250,000 in additional revenue PER YEAR to your practice?
The End Result…
The chiropractor can now duplicate these results indefinitely by repeating this process over and over… continuously offering this same clinical trial… and averaging the same amount of new patients to their business and website transactions to grow their passive online income.
It's important to emphasize that any chiropractor can use this strategy whether they partner with the manufacturer so there's no out of pocket cost to them at all, or if they decide to buy from the manufacturer at a wholesale price as an affiliate.
They should look at the vast universe of health supplements and health related products or services and select the one they feel most comfortable with… and then verify it will produce the stated results.
These could entail health supplements that improve energy or eliminate joint pain, they may be for weight loss… or possibly to stop smoking.
The doctor could then contact the health supplement company and form a JV or affiliate relationship with them.
Since the supplement company is going to be receiving a bevy of new clients for NO advertising costs, they should agree to provide the doctor with free product for the 10 clinical trial patients that will actually receive that product versus the placebo group.
The chiropractor could generate prospective patients through JV relationships in their local community as we previously explained. Various health associations… local fitness centers and gyms… personal trainers… their kids school… or possibly through professional service providers such as acupuncturists,' massage therapists or naturopaths.
But this exact same strategy can be applied to most any business if you put some thought and innovation into applying it.
The basic concept is you're offering a product or service for free that produces a guaranteed and specific result that appeals to your target prospects and that you feel can produce the promised results at least 90% of the time. Then you only need to invest your time to establish trust, respect and rapport with each prospect as stated in this strategy.
As an additional example, let's say you own a carpet store. Your main means of advertising is to run expensive TV and radio commercials and the high cost of marketing is eating up all your profit. So let's think creatively how we could adapt this exact same strategy to this carpet store.
First… ask yourself as the carpet store owner who it is that would have direct access to prospective carpet buyers. The answer for me would be carpet cleaning companies. They're in hundreds of people's homes every single day and can determine who needs new carpet and who doesn't. So here's what needs to happen next.
The carpet store needs to create an offer to homeowners that would generate additional sales for the carpet cleaning company that in turn will produce a higher demand for new carpets.
This means the carpet would need to be in such filthy condition that it either requires cleaning (benefits the carpet cleaning company) or it needs replacement (benefits the carpet store).
By helping the carpet cleaner generate more prospects the carpet store will generate more business for themselves as long as the carpet cleaner agrees to endorse them and actively sell their carpet services. By offering the carpet cleaner a way to generate more leads, they will be more than willing to actively endorse the carpet store.
So how can the carpet store help the carpet cleaner show a homeowner they have additional carpet in their homes that needs cleaning?
By doing some basic research, the carpet store discovers that when you shine a black neon light on carpet, it reveals every spot where a pet has urinated on that carpet. For most homeowners with pets, this is a very common condition that most of them have no idea has taken place.
Naturally, when their carpet lights up like a neon sign, they can't request cleaning services fast enough. And in many cases, the carpet is so filthy they just want it out of their homes and to have it replaced.
That's when the carpet cleaners can hand the homeowner a special VIP voucher good for either a discount or special value-added services that makes the carpet store a no-brainer choice for them to buy their carpet.
The carpet store can develop everything the carpet cleaners need… including providing them with the neon lights and a compelling script to use when selling their services.
This establishes massive reciprocity with the carpet cleaners who are then actively endorsing the carpet store to every homeowner they meet.
By following this script, the carpet cleaners can offer this special pet detection service to the homeowner's neighbors WHILE they're at their home cleaning the carpet. This could produce an additional 5 to 10 homes they could inspect before they leave the original job.
Out of those 10 homes, there's an excellent chance they will pick up 3 to 5 additional jobs… with NO marketing dollars involved.
Think any carpet cleaner would more than welcome an opportunity to double or triple their revenue for ZERO marketing expense?
And one more thing to consider. Once this carpet store implements this marketing process for their own store and documents the results they produce with it, do you think other carpet stores would be willing to pay for the rights to learn about and license a proven and tested turn key system for generating a multitude of new prospects and customers?
The original carpet store could then license their process to other carpet stores and charge a substantial setup fee and monthly rights to use their proven and tested marketing program.
This strategy can be adapted to work for any business in any industry. It simply requires a little thought, planning, research and innovation… just like the carpet store did.