How To Market To People Who Aren't Ready To Buy…
In any given market, only 3% of people are looking to buy now (in-market segment). There’s a further 17% of the market just looking to gather information. They’re not actively looking to buy, but are definitely open to it. Then there’s a further 20% who are problem aware, meaning they know they need the solution you provide, but these people aren’t actively researching or looking to buy. The remaining 60% are neither problem aware nor are they looking to buy.
The trap into which a lot of business owners fall is that they treat everyone in their market like they’re in the 3% of people ready to buy today. They then spam them with offers to get a free quote, buy now or book a call today.
Once you start tailoring your advertising to address people in your market at all of the different stages of the buying cycle, you start getting attention from a lot more people in your market, regardless of whether they do business with you today, or next month.
So, how do you work the other 97% of people down the funnel?
Well… the answer's in the content you create!
Information Gatherers (17% of the market)
You can influence people in this audience to progress into the 3% in-market segment by placing educational content and value-driven information in front of them. I always recommend doing this using short-form video content (5 mins or less).
These people know that they have a problem to be solved, they know that your business can provide the solution and they are currently in the process of gathering information so they can make a decision at a later date. They're not actively looking to buy today, but would definitely be open to it.
Here are the types of videos you want to place before people in this stage of the funnel:
Problem Aware Audience (20% of the market)
If you can create content that highlights common problems and your solutions thereto, that's a good place to start for this segment. If you're in an industry where this wouldn't be appropriate, you can create content to urge people in this audience to start considering the service. You can do this by creating urgency. This will obviously differ between industries.
Here are some ideas for people in this stage of the funnel – remembering that people in this stage are already "in the funnel", as they have already come into contact with the idea that your solution exists:
Unaware Audience (60% of the market)
To spark interest in this audience, you'll need to create content that introduces the problem and subtly presents your solution. Some may disagree, but I say that these people aren't even in the funnel yet until they are at least aware that they have the problem that you can solve.
Now we know the types of content suitable for each stage of the buying cycle (including pre-awareness), we can all be well on our way to sending the right messages out to the appropriate audiences at the right times!
Hope this helps everyone :)