How to Market A Great Product: Learn the Fundamentals

How to Market A Great Product: Learn the Fundamentals

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Do you know how sales begin? 

You might be thinking that when you need a product, you go shop online or from the market. And that’s how sales start for a particular product. 

But, do you buy any random product? 

No, right? 

That particular product/service might solve your problem, but you won’t buy that product unless and until you know about that, will you? 

This is exactly why customers need to be educated about a specific product even if it’s a great product.

You don’t just need to launch the products or services; winning the battle of perceptions is more important. 

I’m talking about the game of mental warfare, Marketing. And in this article, you’re going to read about it repeatedly. 

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Before proceeding further, can you tell “what makes a business stay strong on the market?”.

A great (problem-solving) product. 

Correct, but is it the only thing that will make it a great selling product? 

If you answer it in affirmation, you need to rethink it. 

Because what if you have launched a product that your prospects were in need of for a long time, but they don’t know about it. 

Do you think anyone will buy your product? 

You’ll not be able to sell your product nor run your business. 

This is exactly where you’ll feel the need to market your products/services. 

This article is beneficial for a business owner and also to everyone who wants to learn marketing. So, let’s dive deep and learn the fundamental of marketing

"The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself… The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous." – Peter Drucker

The Fundamental of Marketing

One of the greatest perceptions of marketing towards customers is that ‘People buy what they want to buy, not what they need’

Didn’t you get it? Let me explain with an example. 

You might know there is a country named Singapore (Country in Asia). 

This country has the highest-density populations and the Singaporean government doesn’t like the car much. So, to discourage people from buying the one they charge an insanely high tax on cars.   

So, if you buy a normal car in Singapore, you need to pay a lot more than what luxury car buyers in the USA or UK pay. Still, if you buy one, the highest speed limit is 90km/hr. 

And, do you want to know the fact? 

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Ferrari's sell per person in Singapore is a lot more than any other country. People in Singapore don’t need to buy a Ferrari, they just need a basic car. They won’t be able to do a fun drive on Island with Ferrari. 

As Singapore is one of the most expensive places to buy a Ferrari, why people buy it? 

Because They Want To Buy One, Not Because They Need One

And you know what; people only see the product they want to buy. 

So, if you understand people’s problems and you’re going to launch a product that can solve their problem, you should market it before you actually launch the product. 

You’ll also need to build trust in your customer’s eye towards your product. Because ‘people don’t buy a product they buy trust’. 

So, you can only make a product and market it before its launch when you understand your prospects well. You’ll be continuously involved in the product making and launching process as you understand your customer need through the journey. 

Simply put, how come you’re here? 

Because you know about Digital Deepak and have trust in his courses. This has happened because he understood the need of his prospects. 

Did you know, how did he come to know which course his prospect wants to buy first?

He ran a poll in his community to know about this and got to know which course he should launch first. 

Can you guess the course name? 

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It’s Google Ads Mastery Course

He then marketed it and was able to sell it before actually, the product was ready. Because he did research on what course people want to buy was the reason he could get initial sell. 

TAKEAWAY: Market the product, before its launch. Doing research on what people need can change your game. 

He didn’t only launch Google Ads Mastery Course but went along and launched several courses according to people’s needs. 

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But, what do you think made people buy his courses? 

Because they had got immense value in their first course and now they could trust that if I buy a course from him I’ll get loaded with value. And this is not the only thing, Deepak was the only Digital Marketer who has come up with several courses then. 

TAKEAWAY: Don’t try to be the no.1, be the only one. 

You’re going to learn all these things when you join Digital Deepak Internship ProgramYou can then leverage the power of Digital Marketing by practicing it and becoming an expert in your Niche. 

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Earlier marketing was done in a different way such as hoardings, billboards, etc. but now it’s mostly done via digital platforms. 

Here you’re going to learn the difference between Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing. 

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Marketing is a tradition that is there since the birth of the business. So, categorizing them is a tad bit difficult task. 

But, as the internet revolution has taken place marketing is done through a whole new medium. However, still marketing is done in the way it was done earlier. 

Marketing can now be done in two different ways; Digital (with an internet connection) and traditional (without internet connection). 

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You would have seen products through these two different mediums. You’re also seeing the revolution of the internet. 

So, can you tell me which is better marketing, Digital or Traditional? 

You might be thinking as now people are more on the internet, Digital Marketing is the winner. 

But, that’s not actually the case. When Traditional Marketing is done right, it can work wonders. 

Suppose you have seen a product in a TV ad or newspaper now as it’s the era of the internet, you’ll go online and want to know about the product in detail. 

Now, you would have got to know how these two mediums are together. So, each of these two mediums has its own power. 

Digital Marketing can involve modules such as Content Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, SMO, etc. 

TAKEAWAY: Both these forms of marketing are pretty relevant. It’s you who can make the most out of Digital or Traditional Marketing. 

Direct Response Marketing

You might be thinking about what kind of marketing is this. 

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Let me tell you…. This is a kind of marketing tactic that demands a quick response from the prospects. 

If you run a branding campaign then you might not be able to measure the result from your campaign. But, this direct response marketing will have a measure of the result. 

You might tell people to take some action like call you, fill a lead form, purchase a product, etc. 

People are not likely to make a decision so easily and respond to every ad campaign they see. 

Direct Response Marketing is letting your prospect go from consideration to decision state faster. 

This will even push them to take certain action immediately. 

This way you don’t have to wait longer to measure the result of your campaign. 

TAKEAWAY: Drive action and measure result faster with Direct Response Marketing 

CATT Funnel

You might be thinking ‘what a funnel will do’. 

The funnel will simply help you set the stage for a constant flow of sales. 

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In marketing, you can take the control of your prospect's interest by providing great value to your product. The value you provide to them through your product will lead them in having trust in you and your product. 

You’re not going to control the flow of your prospect itself but their interest. You can simply grab their attention by providing them with great value. 

Deepak Kanakraju has invented one such funnel called CATT Marketing Funnel. Where

  • C : Content
  • A : Attention
  • T : Trust
  • T : Transaction 

Content is something everyone consumes in this world. They consume a different kind of content according to their level. 

But, only if you pay attention to your prospects and solve their problem they’ll be able to trust. Because people are not likely to trust any random person or product unless and until it’s solving their problem. 

Only when your prospects trust you they will become your customer. Not only they’ll become your customer but they’ll become a loyal customer or say brand ambassadors. This will lead to ‘word of mouth marketing and this is the secret to your wealth. 

Wealth = n^CATT 

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This simple mathematical formula to get a lot of wealth is given by Digital Deepak. 

Where is nothing but the niche in which you’re solving people’s problems. 

Content: When I was looking to learn Digital Marketing in-depth, I came across one of the FB ads campaigns from Deepak to learn it for Free. 

Attention: in that free content I could get immense value as he went deep which no one else could provide for free. 

Trust: This made me have trust in him and his courses so went along purchased Lead Generation Course. It was super valuable that has made me trust him even more. 

Transaction: as I had trust in him and his course I have done a bigger transaction and enrolled in Digital Deepak Internship Program. 

TAKEAWAY: Transaction is an integral part of Trust for a product 

Integrated Digital Marketing

Do you have multiple monotonous kinds of work that make you go busy the whole day? 

If yes, you can give this burden to someone else who takes literally little to no time to do this work. 

Now, you’d be wondering who can do a whole day of work in little to no time. But, this is true; you can use a robot to do these kinds of work. 

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No, I ain’t talking about the robot who can work physically rather you can use a systematic approach to automate it. And once you automate it your work will be done and you won’t even analyze that the work is going on. 

You can automate 

  • Email sequence 
  • Social Media Posts 
  • Blog Posts 
  • Ad Campaigns 
  • Show retargeting ads to your prospects 

When all these things can be done without your involvement, you’ll want to leverage its benefits. And this integration methodology is called Integrated Digital Marketing

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Ex- once I was checking some shirts for me on Myntra and I end up adding a few in the cart. 

Minutes after that, I could see FB Ads, Jio Saavn Ads, Instagram Ads, and Emails for the same shirts. 

Ultimately, I bought those shirts which were the objective of that campaign. 

TAKEAWAY: Automating (Integrating) Digital Marketing Services make your work pretty easy 

Personal Branding

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You might be thinking ‘why there is a need to become a personal brand?’. 

Well, there are numerous brands in this world and those brands are having decent followers. 

But, you might be surprised to know personal brands like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Anand Mahindra are having more followers than their enterprises. 

You might not know Tesla or SpaceX, but you know Elon Musk. He can easily grab the attention if he invests in a project. 

This is the power of personal branding. 

Personal Branding always works because people are more likely to trust a person more than a company. If you know the person who owns a brand, you’ll start trusting the brand. 

TAKEAWAY: People want to hear from people, not from brands. 


If you are still here probably you too want to learn Digital Marketing or become a personal brand. I hope it was worth your time! 

Let’s summarize what we have learned through this article. 

  • Market your product before actually launching it and before creating a product do research for the customer need. 
  • Marketing is a game of mental warfare and winning the battle of perception. 
  • Don’t try to be the no.1, be the only one. 
  • Both Digital and Traditional marketing have their own advantages. It’s you who can make the most out of Digital or Traditional Marketing. 
  • Drive action and measure result faster with Direct Response Marketing. 
  • Transaction is an integral part of Trust for a product. 
  • Automating (Integrating) Digital Marketing Services make your work pretty easy. 
  • People want to hear from people, not from brands. 

What do you think about this article? 

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Dristi Singh

Social Media SPOC @ Alcom | GLIM'25

3 年

Nice ??

mohammad kaif

Student at IPS Academy, Rajendra Nagar, Indore

3 年

Great one bro


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