Helping Businesses & Coaches Boost Visibility and Sales | Social Media Strategist | Marketing Automation Specialist | Expert in High-Converting Ads
Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of Facebook confirmed that two Billion people users visit Facebook.
Do You Know That Facebook is one of the most populous social networks? As such it can be used as a key or major marketing tool for startup business etc. It can be used to increase brand awareness, increase traffic to a website, just to mention a few.
Don’t run that Facebook ads yet until you have considered these marketing hacks today.
a) The ad must be relevant to your audience. An audience must be able to connect or engage with your ad.
Your ad cannot achieve its aim when your audience cannot connect or relate with the ad. By this, the sole reason for running the ad has been jeopardized.
b) Run different campaign for the same product and service.
Don’t just create a campaign for creating sake. Learn how to split test the intended ad for the same product or service before you can later decide which ad performs well.
c) 80/20 rule must be obeyed.
Automation is good, but automating everything is bad. Let 20% of your content to be relevant to your product and service, while 80% of your target audience.
d) 20% image must be adhered to, and choose the right image for your campaign.
Images are very vital whenever it comes to creating an ad on Facebook, but try to do away with stock photos. Just or only pay close attention to the images that your ideal customers can easily connect or relate with.
Create your ad in such a way that it will be appealing and attractive to your target audience.
For the purpose of the image, you can check out image checker on Google, this will help you determine whether the image you intended using to run the ad violated or stay within the given dimension by Facebook.
e) Geo - targeting. By Geo – targeting, I mean to say letting your campaign to target ideal customer based on their on location (Country, City etc.).
Assuming Mr. Maji Peter has a digital product that is targeting or meant for men who reside or stayed in Kaduna. But while creating an ad on Facebook he ended up targeting men in Lagos, You Know for sure that Maji has succeeded in giving Mark Zuckerberg free money for lunch without achieving his initial aim.
f) Keep your ad simple and short.
Ad Title or Headline must be able to capture the attention or arouse the interest of a particular audience.
Optimize the character length of the ad headline or title, in order to increase audience engagement.
You can use a tool like COSCHEDULE to analyze your ad title or headline before you publish it.
Ad headline or title should contain the following:
1. Common Word such as how, on, to, etc.
2. Uncommon Word such as Facebook.
3. Emotional Word: How to
4. Power Word such as Effectively, Mastery, Blueprint, ECT.
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