How to Map Out Your Content Shoot
Alanna Adamko, BA.J, CMP?, MBA Candidate
Communications and Media Relations leader with 13+ years experience, with a focus on Community Relations.
How to map out your photo or video shoot. Use these 4 P’s to raise your content game.
The best content influencers and brands plan their content. They write out their story ideas, content captions and what the visual will look like. Then they often shoot batch video and photos to maximize their time and minimize costs often shooting content for several weeks of posts ahead of time. This ensures consistency in quality and frequency of content on their channels.
Here are four key Ps to consider when planning out your content.
1. Plot – what is the story you are trying to tell?
Are you shooting a commercial with a traditional narrative arc? Are you planning a series of photos that will evoke a mood or tell a story about a product you are trying to sell? Know where the direction of the shoot is going from start to finish.
2. Purpose – why are you telling this story and what do you want people to do as a result of watching it?
Having pretty, ‘insta-worthy’ visuals are great but why are you shooting this content. Know the end result you want to achieve with this content and tailor the content to that end result.
3. People – Who are the people in this story and how do they relate to the story you want to tell?
4. Place – where is this being shot and how does the place influence the story?
Realize the impact of the location and setting on the overall mood and theme of the content. Even small things like using consistent lighting and filters can help create an overall visual.