How many ways will we spell Corona?
The majority of us are getting a good up close and personal look at the fruit of our labors right now. What we have created as a life for ourselves and our families during this time of rest as we are gathering together in the homes we have created, sheltering in place.
I think of a set of twin boys I know and love dearly who look very much a like but who have very different dispositions. One likes to analyze and watch things unfold and then jump in where he sees fit, like a point guard in a basketball game. The other likes to post up all the time, muscling through anything and anybody between he and the hoop. Each one having their own unique way of contributing to the bigger plan of making the world go round. As we all do. And should.
If the post player were encouraged to be a point guard, or the point guard to be more like a post player, well then, what a mess we would make of things.
We all have a choice what we use this time for. This unplanned vacation from our busyness and business. We all still have our freedom as to how we manage these circumstances of life. And most children of our communities are spending more time with their parents or another family member, or whoever is their most significant care giver. Others are in small groups with daycare providers while their parents work on the "front lines" as heroes.
Let's all be really really good examples of what relationship should look like as many young eyes are on us. Let's encourage and lead the little ones "in the ways they should go" while we have been given a brief pause of invaluable one on one time with them. And with each other.
As Atlas shrugs, let's be very mindful of where we land. And what we make important.
I find it ironic that we are given this time of reflection during Lent and nine months before the Christmas season.
There may possibly be a population boom 40 weeks from now that will perpetuate the values of the ones which are instilled right now. How will we spell Corona? Let us count the ways...