How many times would you go back and watch a movie you hated? And most of us do this daily... in the theater of our minds.
Jay Block (Semi Retired)
America's Motivational Rapid Employment Coach; Best-Selling McGraw-Hill Author; Co-founder PARWCC; Good Morning America Guest; Mentor to Industry Coaches and Organizations
Ten good things happened to Joe today, along with one bad thing. And Joe returned home at the end of the day to burden his family, and himself, with that one bad thing - never even acknowledging the 10 good things.
?Human beings are near-expert at deleting the good stuff and focusing on the troublesome, stress-inducing stuff. In truth, most of us need a crisis tomorrow to fully appreciate all that's going well today.
Meredith lost her restaurant during the pandemic. A major blow, indeed. "At first, it was all consuming," Meredith said. "I focused on was how much money I lost, the debt I was in, and how unlucky I was. My mindset led to a chronic feeling of stress, overwhelm, and depression.
Then yesterday, I lost my eyeglasses. For over an hour I couldn't see clearly; everything was blur. When I found them, I had a whole new appreciation for my eyesight."
?"I realized that if I lost my eyesight today, my business and financial problems would be no big deal. Then I realized I was deleting all the gifts I had - everything that I had to be grateful for - my eyesight, my heart beating, I could breathe naturally - no respirator required, no terminal diagnoses in my family, my children's' well-being, the love of my husband, my close friendships, my education, my ingenuity and creativity..."
?"I had hundreds, maybe thousands of reasons, to feel happy and fortunate at any moment in my life. And with this renewed and empowered mindset, I could better resolve my problems in a more expeditious and dignified manner."
?Try this:
Watch the news or a TV program you really dislike. Get real negative. Then, pick up the remote and click to your favorite comedy channel or program. Almost instantly you can go from a stressed-out mindset, to a joyful, peaceful constitution just by changing the channel.?
?The same is true in the theater of your mind.