How Many Pebbles Until You Have A Pile
Good morning friend,
One of the things I hear often is "I'm going to build an empire!"
To which I always say "that's awesome, how?"
Their response is always amusing. Often, they give me a strange look, like I'm the first person who's ever questioned their sanity before...
But it's a serious questions, so I try and push and get a serious answer.
Usually, I get some half-baked idea like "I'm going to do X and get 1% of the billion dollar market and bam I'm rich!"
Ever watch Shark Tank? Any mention of "if we just capture X of X market and we'll be rich..." and they get blasted.
It's a pipe dream. And the only time you should fantasize over your projections is when you're looking for free grant money!
But in the real world, this is how you build an empire... are you ready for this?
It's revolutionary - are you sitting down?
Sure, when you start you have nothing but a handful of pebbles. But how many pebbles before you have a pile?
How many pebbles before you have a mountain?
How many pebbles before you have an empire?
The answer depends on how big YOU want to get. But here's what I know... if every day you focus on adding a pebble to your pile, eventually you'll get there.
Stop focusing on trying o find these massive boulders to work with. They're hard to work with, hard to move.
Start with pebbles, and be CONSISTENT.
Let's say you want to brand yourself as the leading expert in red elephants.
It's incredible hard to just come out and say hey, I'm the expert in red elephants, hire me for all your events!
That's a big boulder.
But it's a heck of a lot easier to go live on your Facebook page every day for 5 minutes and share 1 interesting thing about red elephants.
Do that every day, for a year straight, and you've got yourself a pile out of pebbles.
Too many people are trying to find shortcuts to success. And yes, some exist, and yes, there are secrets to blowing up fast, and yes there's some luck involved, and yes it is possible to be an overnight success....
But I don't ever bet on the slim chances. I make my life easy by betting on the biggest pieces of the chance pie.
I don't care about getting rich fast, I care about getting rich for sure.
And when you focus on consistent, daily action of little things, little pebbles, you give yourself a serious chance at winning in the long run.
Don't give up, don't quit, don't throw in the towel.
You've got this, and I believe in you