How many laws are you breaking? You can make  difference!

How many laws are you breaking? You can make difference!


“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Albert Einstein

All I hear these days from the media and at social gatherings is what a mess we're all in, and that everyone is blaming everyone else. When I ask them why they're moaning and not doing something to change the situation, I am astonished when they shrug and say resignedly "well I can't do anything about it anyway, can I?"

Of course you can! You can make a difference when you start with yourself, it's a ripple, that becomes a river.

If you desire more  peace, prosperity, money, joy, happiness, abundance, love, health, wealth, and general goodness in your life right now then you will want to read this. I have chosen 13 powerhouse laws that I know I have broken in the past. You and I, as is every other woman, were born to be a big success. The fastest way to be that big success is to do what you love in such a way that your thoughts, feelings and actions cannot do anything other than accelerate you toward your big success.

The 13 laws I have chosen are:

  1. The Law of Oneness
  2. The Law of Vibration
  3. The Law of Attraction
  4. The Law of Cause and Effect
  5. The Law of Circulation
  6. The Law of Action
  7. The Law of Correspondence
  8. The Law of Transformation
  9. The Law of Relativity
  10. The Law of Polarity
  11. The Law of Rhythm
  12. The Law of Gender
  13. The Law of Shared Purposed

Why the number 13, why the focus on 13 universal laws?” you might be asking yourself. The answer is a very simple one. I have always loved the number 13. No surprise I guess given that I was born on Friday the 13th of August and unlike many other women I know who consider 13 to be an unlucky number, it is my fabulously lucky number. So now you know why I chose to make you more aware of the 13 universal laws which have played out prominently and with great significance in my life.

When I first introduce women to the universal laws the 3 most frequently asked questions are always:

  1. “What exactly is meant by ‘a universal law’?”
  2. “Why it is important for me to know of their existence?” and;
  3. “How do I to make these universal laws work for me to help me get what I want?”

Let me explain all this to you…

The ‘universal laws’ are also often referred to by success teachers as ‘spiritual Laws’ or ‘natural laws’. What they are, are the omnipresent and not-negotiable principles that govern every aspect of the universe of which you and I are part. Some cynics don’t believe in these laws referring to them as ‘psycho-babble, philosophical junk etc.’ Whether you do believe in them or not, you’re right, because if you believe in them, study them and apply them, they’ll work for you and if you don’t they won’t – simple as that – your choice and what you believe you will receive.

Some articles I’ve read believe that they should not be called laws, preferring to brandish other skeptic labels upon them. I however am quite comfortable referring to them as laws, as fall foul of them, as I have often done during my life, and just look at the unwanted results which followed – sufficiently powerful and painful episodes for me to now respect them and honour them with and through the use of the word ‘laws’.

What is important for you to know and remember is that these laws exist, and so when you make the choice to learn about them, to appreciate them and to align and harmonize yourself with them in an educated manner, you'll be in flow with them and they will then serve you very well. Keep in mind that everything that’s visible to you in this universe, as well as everything that’s invisible to you, is merely an expression of Spirit, Source, Infinite Intelligence, The Creator, God, or whatever name you choose and are comfortable with. Spirit, which is always looking to express itself with you and through you, operates according to exact laws. These are the laws which you are subjected to in the very same way as everything in nature is.

There are billions of people out there today who still believe that life happens to you. Their perception is that the various events, conditions and circumstances they experience in life are based on a series of random events and that there is no definitive underlying reason as to why things happen to them as they do.

What these people don’t understand is that life is not happening to you, life is responding to you and every choice you make every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year and so on. That’s why I teach all my clients that in order to get more, they have to become more and becoming more, starts with becoming more aware. This begins with developing a deeper understanding and a more heightened awareness of how and why the universal laws operate as effortlessly, flawlessly and consistently as they do and that just as doing good will attract more goodness into your life, so too will you be held accountable for every bad thing you do to others. I want you to know and always remember that the universe is perfectly just and whether you are consciously aware of this or not, its laws are always acting fairly upon you and everyone else too – that’s why there is no need to ever seek vengeance on another person who has done you harm as the forces of the universe will take care of this in their own perfect way.

Universal laws impact and determine every aspect of your life and by this I mean environmental, physical, emotional, intellectual, financial, ecological, spiritual and so on – the list is endless. In essence these universal laws are the governing force that determine without fail, every aspect of creation including each of the events, conditions and circumstances experienced by you, me and everyone else in the world, both on an individual and collective scale.

All universal laws, just like gravity, are neutral, so they act as double edged swords, meaning that they favour and enhance the positive and they also favour and enhance the negative. That’s why negative disengaged women who find their existence to be at best unbearable as more and more trauma pours into their lives, will receive less and less and be able to contribute less and less; whereas positive, upbeat, engaged women will receive more and more as their lives and contributions, continuously expand. Maybe now for the first time ever, this profound teaching from the King James Version of the Bible will make sense to you: “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.”

So, to sum it up neatly then, universal laws govern consciousness (thought) and its transmutation into energy which everything (whether visible or invisible) is made of. The universal laws also exist to constantly remind you that everything you receive comes to you from and through Source (God) and you should therefore treasure and honour and celebrate your connection with Source (God).

Now that you know this, you will understand why I say that most of us are programmed from birth to live from the outside in. This programming causes you to become the ‘play-thing’ for outside forces and you therefore develop the hugely destructive belief that circumstances control you and not that you control circumstances. The danger of an outside in approach to life is that you allow what you see, hear, touch, taste and smell to mould, shape and define your ‘perceptions of reality’ which in turn impacts and determines the kind of thoughts you think and therefore the quality of your consciousness. It is the quality of your consciousness which is the defining factor as to how each and every aspect of your life unfolds and is made ‘real’ – your reality is therefore heaven or hell – that’s right, heaven and hell is all in your mind and is a state of mind!

You should observe and be aware of what is going on in the world around you, however, never ever live your life from the outside in as you’ll pay a most severe price for this consciousness quality choice. Instead, make the powerful choice to live your life from the inside out. Use your inner genius and creative thinking faculties to deliberately and accurately design what you want. Then, follow up this mental creative process by using the universal laws in the right way so that your thoughts, your most beautiful fantasies if you will, become facts and deliver to you the very things you want.

The vast majority of women have developed a predominant way of thinking, acting and doing that causes them to completely overlook the unerring simplicity of the process of creation. They ‘unconsciously and unknowingly engage’ in inner dialogues which create the very opposite of the outcome they desired, hoped and prayed for. 

It is because of this horrible limiting cycle [always getting the opposite of what you wanted] that so many women perceive themselves to be shut off from receiving the abundance which our universe offers us. Instead of being at ease with abundance, most women experience ‘dis-ease’ around abundance and so they become caught up in trying to ‘have more’ by ‘doing more’. Sadly, because they’re out of harmony with the universal laws, although they may do more, they’re doing it in the wrong way and so try as they may they never get more, which leaves them feeling sad, angry, disappointed, disillusioned, desperate and completely exhausted.

If you’ve experienced any or all of the above emotions and are still experiencing them in some form or other right now in your life, it is because your thoughts, your feelings and your actions are not in harmony with the universal laws. That’s why more often than not you’re getting what you didn’t want which leaves you frustrated and exhausted.

What the universe is trying to tell you, is to quit trying harder. It is encouraging you to pursue new patterns of thought and action which align with its universal laws and it is reminding you that ‘more of the same’ only ever gives you more of the same. Sooner or later we all reach the point where we realise that we just can’t try any harder and its then that we begin to search for a new way, a better way, because our way is just too painful and causes us to pay too high a price for what we receive.

The new way, the easier way and the better way lies in you deciding to understand and learn how to make the various universal laws work for you. Becoming aware of, developing an understanding of, aligning and consciously harmonizing with their tremendous, immutable and unwavering power with a clear and focused intention, is the difference between a life filled with lack, hardship, fear, frustration, worry, doubt, anxiety and struggle or one of peace, joy, satisfaction, prosperity, health, wealth, riches, happiness and fulfillment.

It’s your choice…


I have a series or article that will be published over the next few weeks that provide an in depth explanation of each of these Laws on The Exceptional Queen

Identify your Queen Particle my new book The Queen Particle is available to Order Now

Helping 1 000 000 women in 2015


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