How many hats do you have on?
Cyril Gupta
Veteran techie and entrepreneur. Bootstrapping all the way! Follow me for posts about entrepreneurship.
Versatility is the forced boon that every small or mid-sized entrepreneur has. You will be making power moves in the morning and tightening screws on the workshop floor in the afternoon with room left for client visits in the late evening.
You will be the salesman, the collection agent, the quality control manager, support staff and even janitor if it comes to that.
What won’t you do for your business?
This super-skill, the power of great versatility is what keeps small businesses competitive and protected from big businesses.?
With all their power, all their capital and all the resources they have, big businesses just cannot bob, weave, duck, slip and punch like the little guys do.
Wear your hats with pride and never resent that you have to be, who you have to be today. This is your skill, this is your superpower, this is the difference you made to your business. You kept it going by keeping it lean and efficient.
How about taking that one step further? How about being more than what you can be today? How about upskilling yourself?
That is in my opinion the biggest opportunity that most small entrepreneurs have. Skill.?
They usually do one or two things they do exceptionally well, like a garage owner could be an excellent repairman.? That helps, but to get to the next level you need to learn to do some more things reasonably well. At least until you have grown your business to the level till you don’t need to do those things anymore.
When I created my first app for marketers I couldn’t afford to hire a designer. So I watched some tutorials, got some cliparts and did the design myself. It took some hours of learning but I rolled out the product that set everything in motion.
Now I don’t do any more designs, but I haven’t forgotten the lesson.?
If it has to be done, and there is nobody else in sight who will do it, it better be you.
These days I spend a lot of time learning things that I need to do my job better.?
Better marketing
Better content creation
Better coding
Better copy writing
This is on my mind every day. That is what I am learning everyday to be a better entrepreneur.
I am prepared to find the best help to do everything I need to do, and I am prepared to do everything myself.
How about you? What are you learning? And, what are you ready to do to make your business successful?