How many CPC members and local branches?

How many CPC members and local branches?

Statistical Bulletin of the CPC

Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee

As of December 31, 2023, the total number of members of the CPC was 99.185 million, a net increase of 1.144 million or 1.2% over the end of 2022.

The CPC now has 5.176 million grass-roots organizations, a net increase of 111000 over the end of 2022, or 2.2%. Among them, there are 298000 grassroots party committees, 325000 general branches, and 4.554 million branches.

1. Situation of Party Member Team

Gender, ethnicity, and educational background of party members. There are 30.185 million female party members, accounting for 30.4% of the total. There are 7.592 million ethnic minority party members, accounting for 7.7%. There are 55.786 million party members with college education or above, accounting for 56.2%.

The age of party members. There are 12.412 million Party members aged 30 and below, 11.196 million Party members aged 31 to 35, 10.864 million Party members aged 36 to 40, 9.459 million Party members aged 41 to 45, 9.071 million Party members aged 46 to 50, 9.405 million Party members aged 51 to 55, 8.907 million Party members aged 56 to 60, and 27.872 million Party members aged 61 and above.

The time when a party member joins the party. 68000 people joined the Communist Party of China before the establishment of the People's Republic of China, 12.863 million people joined the Party from the establishment of the People's Republic of China until the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, 60.142 million people joined the Party from the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee to the 18th National Congress, and 26.112 million people joined the Party since the 18th National Congress.

The profession of a party member. There are 6.643 million workers (skilled workers), 26.075 million farmers, herdsmen, and fishermen, 16.19 million professional and technical personnel in enterprises, institutions, and social organizations, 11.453 million management personnel in enterprises, institutions, and social organizations, 7.645 million party and government officials, 2.771 million students, 7.764 million other professionals, and 20.64 million retirees.

2. Recruitment of Party Members

In 2023, a total of 2.408 million party members were recruited.

Gender, ethnicity, age, and educational background of party members. 1.105 million female party members were recruited , accounting for 45.9%. 252000 ethnic minority party members were recruited, accounting for 10.5%. 1983000 party members aged 35 and below were recruited, accounting for 82.4%. There are 1.28 million party members with college education or above, accounting for 53.1%.

Professions. There are 158000 workers (skilled workers), 375000 farmers, herdsmen, and fishermen, 351000 professional and technical personnel in enterprises, institutions, and social organizations, 267000 management personnel , 119000 party and government officials, 919000 students, and 218000 other professionals.

3. Commendation within the party

In 2023, a total of 138000 advanced grassroots party organizations were commended by party organizations at all levels nationwide, 693000 outstanding Communist Party members were commended, and 199000 outstanding party workers were commended. Throughout the year, 795000 commemorative medals of "Glory in the Party for 50 Years" were awarded.

4. Application for Party membership

As of the end of 2023, there were 20.98 million applicants and 10.547 million active party members nationwide.

5. Party organization

The local committee of the Party. There are a total of 3199 local party committees at all levels nationwide. Among them, there are 31 provincial committees, 397 municipal (prefecture) committees, and 2771 county (city, district, banner) committees.

Party organizations in urban streets, townships, communities, and administrative villages. Party organizations have been established in 9125 urban streets, 29620 townships, 119437 communities, and 488959 administrative villages nationwide, with coverage rates exceeding 99.9%.

Party organizations of government agencies, public institutions, enterprises, and social organizations. There are a total of 771000 grassroots party organizations in government agencies, 997000 in public institutions, 1.6 million in enterprises, and 183000 in social organizations nationwide.



