Suzanne Brydon
Award Winning Life Coach, Communications & Body Language Expert. Master your thoughts, words & body language, to create impact, be confident in your actions & decisions, & REALLY LIVE LIFE being back in control.
Have you ever stopped count?
Well, make today the day you check in with yourself...
In today’s world, everything is at such a fast pace that it’s so hard to not get caught up in our day to day lives, our routines and mindlessly running from one appointment to another.
We may think that we’re successfully keeping all of our plates spinning and from the outside looking in, we appear to have it all together. When in fact if you just look below the surface what will you actually see? Probably someone that’s stressed, tired and only thinking about today or at most the week ahead and all that it entails.
Take this time now, whilst you’re reading this, to pause and think, when did you last stop?
As a Coach I know that it is vital my Clients take time in our sessions to pause from life. This allows them to catch up with their thoughts, slow their breathing and start to allow their mind to reflect, review and re-focus .
When we stop we can concentrate on what is important, what we have to do, what we need to prepare for and what we can actually let go of. We can start to regain clarity, control and confidence in our thoughts and in ourselves. We get to really see the world around us and we can start to make better choices and even plan for both now and the future.
So, what can you do now?
Well, have a think about all the times in the day when you can stop for just a moment. Can you take a few minutes when you’re having your breakfast or morning coffee, or when you’re on your commute? What about your lunch break or even when you’re doing chores? Just stop for a moment and just breathe. Really concentrate on your breathing, breathe deeper and for longer and see how it makes you feel.
I now schedule in time, usually just after my workout or my first coffee, when I zone out from the world,?breathe deeply for a few minutes, and then review my diary for the day ahead. I?let myself really see and focus on the tasks and appointments ahead. Then at the end of the working day I reflect on what’s happened and consciously take note of all that has gone well.
In my business I schedule time to review my monthly plans and my long term plans. This allows me to make any necessary changes and ensure I am doing what I need to, but also what I want to.
At home, usually at the weekend, I spend some time looking at what’s happening over the few weeks ahead ‘socially,’ with my husband, our friends and our families. We can plan how and when we’ll get somewhere or what we need to get in advance and then as always, I write it down ! You’ve probably noticed a theme by now – I love a list !
So what are you waiting for, start stopping NOW!
And if you need to make the most of the time you stop, then book a power hour with me so you can stop, get ahead and move forward with a strategy for success and a much calmer mind!
News & Updates For You
July has been such a busy month both personally & professionally and I really hope it has for you too.
Mr B & I always try and take some time out for our wedding anniversary and we've also had some time with our families. We've been to the theatre, to?Malta for a little break,?Edinburgh to see my in-laws, and also to Bristol to meet up with some family too. Think I?need a long sit down now!!
August tends to be quieter for my work as the Summer Holidays are in full flow. So I use time in-between Clients to prepare for the months ahead. Once September arrives, it seems to bring about a change in the thoughts and feelings of people.
They question where they are in life, their career, their relationship etc. Quite a few decide that Christmas (sorry, had to say that word!) will be their deadline.
And on that subject...?I've coached clients on coping with Christmas, dealing with extended family staying with them,?and how to keep motivated with their health and wellbeing when the days get shorter and darker.
Clients are also dreaming of what their life would be like if only they had made "THAT" decision, took "THAT" leap, left the fear of "THAT" behind. With me by their side they can not only dream of "THAT" but create their strategy of success to achieve "THAT", overcome "THAT" or live like "THAT."
So if this is you, whatever "THAT" is for you,?then start thinking ahead now and?book a power hour, or 2 to help you get prepared.
This month also sees my family having lots of birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate - so you know I'll be making a few cakes along the way! If you've seen my stories you'll have seen the Fireman cake I made for my Father in Law in June and the one I made for Mr B earlier in the year.
You've got to have birthday cake on your birthday! It's the rule!!
You've also all been busy getting your hands on my workbook and webinar, so thank you all, so much.
The workbook is such an amazing tool and really helps you to map out that goal, personal dream or work project. It helps you see how you can achieve it by taking small manageable steps and using all the resources available to you. It's just like having me on hand - just in paper-form!
The webinar is simply perfect for this time of year too. This short video enables you to review the months gone, then plan and prepare for the months ahead, to make them your most successful yet.
Both tools really do help you stay focussed and on track.
I'm all about you making the most of the time you have, so that you can get on with living your life with confidence and being in control.?Because who's got time to waste or wants to get left behind!
If you haven't snapped them up already then grab them here:
I also have a little request for you...
I would love you to vote for my podcast in the?British Podcast Awards 2023 - Listeners Choice Awards
Just click on the link below, type in the name of my podcast..."Is That What You Think" and then enter your details (& verify your vote in the?email you'll receive).
I'm so proud of my podcast and have had amazing feedback about it. And speaking of my podcast....
Episode 7 of "Is That What You Think?" Is Out Now!
The new episode is out now on all the platforms, so just pick your favourite one,?and follow the show, or click the link below to listen now!
In this episode I talk to the?amazing Social Media Manager, Networking Genius and Beyonce Super Fan, Natalie Schofield.
We talk about all things Social Media, from why it's important to be visible on social media, how to show up on social media and why checking your stats can make all the difference for you. We obviously find out Natalie's favourite sandwich, but also what motivates her, why people are so important to her and why Alexa needs to learn some manners!!
If you want to move into this industry and find out more, then Natalie gives you a good insight into what her job role looks like and how to best prepare for this career.
You can follow Natalie on Instagram @beenoticedsocialmedia and on Facebook @beenoticedsocialmediaservices.
New episodes of my podcast will be out on the 1st of every month so follow the show now so you never miss an episode!
Anyway, enough about me, it's now your turn.?
Let me know what your months ahead hold for you. Email me and I may just share them in the next newsletter as your venture may just help and inspire someone else!
Until the next time...
Wishing you all success for the weeks ahead, in fabulous summer sunshine (fingers crossed for lots of sun!)????????????????????????????????????