How Many Buyer Personas Should Your Business Have?

How Many Buyer Personas Should Your Business Have?

Whilst reviewing an inbound marketing campaign and having a lunch the other day with one of our customers, he asked me 'I have around 8 buyer personas I could sell to, how many buyer personas should we have?'. Now this is a great question.

As a certified HubSpot inbound marketer, it allowed me to preach a nerds view on our approach to developing buyer personas for an inbound marketing campaign.

So, I've created this brief article to detail and break down different areas to analyse when defining how many buyer personas you can/should create whilst building out your inbound marketing campaign.

Identifying buyer personas is paramount to understanding who your business should be selling to.

Think of it this way, would you open a vegetarian food boutique in the heart of cattle country? The answer is quite obviously not. It’s about aligning your sales and marketing strategy with the right customer demographic.

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