How Many BTUs Do You Need to Heat Your Construction Site?
NAKODA Energy Services
Best in class Industrial Flameless Heater rental provider in Grande Prairie, Northern Alberta & British Columbia.
The number of BTUs (British Thermal Units) needed to heat your construction site depends on several factors, making it a more complex calculation than simply applying a rule of thumb. Here's what you need to consider:
Using a BTU Calculator
A BTU calculator is a handy tool for estimating your heating requirements. There are many online calculators available, including options specifically designed for construction sites, like the one offered by NAKODA Heat.
General Formula:
A simplified formula can be used as a starting point: (Desired temperature change) x (cubic feet of space) x 0.133 = BTUs needed per hour
Note: This formula is a rough estimate. Consult a professional at NAKODA Heat or use our specialized calculator for a more accurate assessment.
Curious about heating solutions for your space? Explore options with NAKODA Heat's BTU Calculator and find the perfect fit for your needs or pop by our branch in Grande Prairie to discuss your heating needs!