How to Manifest YOUR Destiny
Denise Boudreau
Transforming Senior Living and Healthcare: Building cultures that retain talent, boost employee engagement, and drive occupancy
We’re almost through the first month of the new year and I want to remind you that —This is most definitely YOUR year!
I love the energy of a new year and I can’t wait to see the next few months unfold. (That’s right, I am choosing positivity and possibility this year! Are you with me!?)
What’s coming up for YOU as we enter the new year? I would love to see you connect with tried and true techniques that make your job, and your life in general, less of a hot mess and more of what you have always dreamed of!
I am looking into my crystal ball for you for 2021. Here’s what I see: You smiling throughout the work day, feeling gratitude and fulfillment. Your crazy independent team does whatever needs to be done--I’m talking above and beyond effort 100% of the time. I also see you enjoying your free time at home when the work day is done with the ability to fully disconnect and rest. The stress you used to carry has vanished. It’s not just a job, you are doing soul-fulfilling work, the work you always wanted to do.
Do I really have a crystal ball? Nope. But, man, that would be cool! I do, however, believe in MANIFEST DESTINY. So, why not put out in the world what you really want your life and career to be like, right?
It doesn’t hurt to have something really incredible up your sleeve to take it one step further and actually get to this place of occupational bliss. It can happen. I have seen it.
SO, here’s what I’ve got planned for 2021…
Fearless in the Face of Crisis is going to the next level… where’s Tommy Lee when I need a drumroll... and you’re going with it!!!
What’s Fearless in the Face of Crisis? It’s the course that’s helped hundreds of leaders do deep transformational mindset work to become the leader they’ve always wanted to be! (And this is true despite the fact that they have no time when we are in the middle of a pandemic!)
So, this year, my full focus will be on supporting and growing this incredible community: a community of Fearless leaders! I want it to be CRYSTAL CLEAR (just like my crystal ball!) how I can help you and how you can work with me to make your goals a reality.
And if I am building this community of fearless leaders up AND this is YOUR big breakthrough year, well then, YOU absolutely have to be a part of it!
To help you make that leadership breakthrough in 2021 a real possibility, I have created my new Fearless in the Face of Crisis package. For the first time EVER, I’ll be including my highly praised webinar, Secrets Your Employees Aren’t Telling You, in the package. Thousands nation-wide have seen it and--humble brag here--it ALWAYS gets rave reviews. From it, you’ll know exactly what your employees love about your organization (so you can do more of it!). And exactly what your employees want to see changed at your organization (so you can fix it and keep them for longer!). It’s better than sliced bread and a whole lot fewer carbs!
Along with the new content included with the Fearless in the Face of Crisis package, you can now earn more CEUs for learning! The entire package now provides 7 whole credits (up from 5.75)! The package still includes LIVE monthly coaching calls with me where you can get answers to your individual questions — it’s like having your very own leadership coach!!!
I am practically out of breath with all this excitement, and I haven’t even gotten to one of the best parts! Fearless has a tantalizing new price!! I’ve lowered the price to just $180. (That’s a savings of almost $70!)
So, if you’re ready, I can help you make your biggest leadership breakthrough in 2021. I’ve certainly given you enough inspiration to go after your big lofty goals and now I am giving you HOW to go after them! With Fearless!
I help leaders to lead in a genuine and effective way that improves the satisfaction they have in their professional lives and improves the enjoyment they can have in their personal lives. Not to mention, the huge impact fearless leaders have on a business’s bottom line.
Simply put, this course has awesome tools, a supportive community, and really works to deal with the mindset gremlins that we all face in leadership.
I don’t believe that any one course can be the BEST in the world, because different things work for different people. And I know I don’t have to be the BEST to make a difference.
But, this course is really, really good. I know it is. I hear this every day from leaders in my community, like John from Oklahoma who said, “I can’t tell you how many courses that I’ve taken that have been a complete waste of time and money. Fearless in the Face of Crisis was the exact opposite!”
So, this is how I’ll be showing up in 2021! Supporting Fearless leaders like never before!
However long you’ve been reading or watching or hearing about this course, you need to know that there’s NEVER been a better or more crucial time to work on how you lead.
This is the year, and you’re ready for the next step.
Click here to check it now and don’t look back!
xx Denise