Trad'Zine - L’art de la traduction juridique
Les experts que vous ne trouverez nulle part ailleurs!
Legal language is precise and sophisticated, and specific to each country and culture. It is therefore imperative that legal texts be translated into the language of the people they concern.
Urgent translations and speed of execution
The imperatives of legal and judicial procedures often mean that translations are required as a matter of urgency. The speed with which a translation is produced - by a single translator - emerges as a key factor.
What is the point of translating a summons if the deadline proposed by the translation provider exceeds the deadline imposed by the notification procedure ?
According to a survey* carried out among legal professionals in France, 52% consider that swift translation is a necessity.
* Survey conducted by the Journal du Village de la Justice
By removing intermediaries (agencies), you can have direct contact with your legal translator and thereby reduce the time and cost of processing your files.
An urgent correction, an update requiring the intervention of the translator.
Contact your provider quickly to check that they are available and can process your file as a matter of urgency.
We regularly update the translations of our clients in under an hour.
For urgent translation requests, one of our clients, the legal department of an asset management company, informs us beforehand of any needs and document updates.
Download our White Paper - Legal Translations: Control Costs and Optimize Quality
This white paper will introduce you to :
- The different advantages of sight translation and automated translation;
- How cutting out the middleman streamlines the translation process and shortens turnaround times;
- The advantages of having translators specialized in your legal field; - The importance of confidentiality and how to protect your documents (and your clients).
This white paper offers you a number of tips and recommendations based on statistics, case studies and professional experience:
1 - Optimize your translation processes (and meet your production deadlines),
2 - Reduce your costs,
3 - Improve the final quality of your translations.