How To Manage Your Time As A Student
?What does it take to really manage your time??You got to know your P&L, is your balance sheet, your schedule, you got to get a calendar.?Because you better know what your expenses are, and depending on if you’re a scholarship or not, it doesn’t matter, you still have to manage the money for the first time.?You’re an adult now.
????The second thing that’s really important are knowing your values in life and knowing the value of money.?So, this means time, time management.?Number three, we’re going to talk about how do you start building a team??Now, that is a new concept for a lot of you students.?You’re used to just being you, out in the world, and not having a team around you.?So, we start learning how to delegate, it’s what you’re going to do to manage your time.
????Number four, you have to have a way to hold yourself accountable, to not only your financial goals, but your own goals.?What are your scholastic goals??If you’re a student athlete, what are your athletic goals??How do you put it all together?
????So, the basics again, you need a calendar.?Make sure other people can login and put stuff into your calendar.?Manage your time.?When do you have to go to class??If you’re a student athlete, what is your practice schedule??When’s your lifting schedule??When is your eating schedule??All that matters.?How to put all that together, so it’s fluid.?You have enough rest; you have enough nutrition.?All of that becomes an issue.
????My son calls people who aren’t student athletes an NARP (non-athletic regular person).?So, non-athletic regular people are very different from student athletes, and how you manage your time.?You just have to go to class and get some good grades and depending on how your parents put you through school, and who’s paying for what.
????P&Ls and balance sheets, most of you haven’t been taught it at all.?So, let’s just go to another word for that – What do you make and what do you spend??And I can tell you, student athletes, your scholarships are counted as income when you apply for credit cards.?Any of you, if you have jobs, count your income, and be very cautious about the basics called your credit card.?I don’t know how many students, right away, you’re going to get pummeled at 18 for credit card solicitations.
????So, don’t get into huge credit card debt.?What’s the money you can bring in, and what’s the money you’re going to spend??And just start navigating that and watching it.
????So, back to basics, calendaring, holding yourself accountable, P&Ls, and manage your credit card.?Those are the basics to get through.?Number five is the value of your life, and your time and your money.?So, for those that are good at something.?My son was an amazing tutor.?He could tutor for other people.?He delegated.?He knew how to hire other people to do some things for him.
????Some of you say, “Well, you can’t do that as a student athlete.”?Yes, you can do that, you can do that as a student, and as a student athlete.?If you have a job, you can get a team.?You can delegate some things.
????What are the things that are important that are going to be revenue-producing, growth-producing, value-producing, for your and your career??Your college career??And just know that those things are.
????Back to credit and debit cards, get a credit card.?You’ve got to have a good credit score.?I say your credit score is as important as your social security number.?Now, later in life that doesn’t mean your credit score is the only thing that will make you fundable, your company revenues will do that.?But for you, as a student, having a good credit score is critical.?How you apply for a credit card is critical.
????What does she mean by build a team??So, when my son went to school, he went to go find a team, and send them back to our companies to work.?He has sent several people back for real estate internships.?He sent people back to work on this NIL student athlete, and pro-athlete initiative.?
????For a lot of you, who is your team around you??I mean, there’s no reason, especially if you are NARP, and you are in school, just go to school, there’s nothing wrong with that, and there’s nothing less than, by the way.?Some of you need to go to school to do thing you need to do.?Which would be an engineer, or whatever you’re going to be.
????There are careers though that have trades, or even I have parents whose kids want to be an entrepreneur.?So, they come mentor with me, and I teach them how to be an amazing entrepreneur, and they don’t go to school.?So, those are different choices.
????But get a start, getting a team around you in college, and as you go through your master’s program, if you choose to do that as well, so you can understand how to start leading a team.?Take leadership positions on campus if you can.?If you’re not a student athlete, do government council.?I know people do sororities and fraternities but learn to be around leadership positions.
????Hold yourself accountable, instead of being this quitter energy, especially with a pandemic that really forgave everybody to say you don’t have to be as accountable or responsible.?Don’t agree with that.?But if you want to get good grades, what does it take??What does it take to be in a certain program that you want??What does it take for you to do what you need to do?
????Hold yourself accountable to a schedule.?Remember, procrastination is either because you don’t want to do it, or you’re not good at it.?So, that’s where you go back to your team and say, who could I find either, they do one thing for me, I do something back for them, that you’re both really good at, so you don’t have the procrastination, because that is going to be a really bad habit you get into later in life.
????Now, as you become successful, whatever you don’t want to do, and whatever you’re no good at, you’re going to hire it.?So, that’s how entrepreneurs’ role.?That’s what I want to teach you how to do, and you can do that while you’re in school.
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