How to Manage your Emotional State

How to Manage your Emotional State

Your Emotional state is how you feel.

You may have noticed that sometimes we can be really upbeat, we can be happy, we can be excited, we can be motivated, all those positive emotions and then all of a sudden we notice that we’re a bit sad, frustrated, angry, impatient, feeling hurt or fearful.

Sometimes we just sit around and wait for our emotional state to change “Surely, tomorrow I’m going to feel better,” or “If ‘so and so’ did that then I’m going to feel better.”

But what if we could actually change our emotional state ourselves?

In this blog, I want to discuss neurological levels-this is a system that Robert Dilts, a Master trainer in NLP, introduced, and he says that change happens at a variety of levels namely:

  • Our environment
  • Our behaviour
  • The skills and capabilities that we’ve got
  • Our values and beliefs
  • Our identity
  • Our Purpose

If we think about how to manage our emotional state in terms of those things then?we can consider each level and ask ourselves some questions for example:

Our Environment –?How is our environment? I know that a live in a bit of a mess and that sometimes lowers my mood- and I think – is this how I want to be? Have I got the right people around me??So ask yourself what’s your environment like does anything need to be done to change your environment in terms of things or people?

Our Behaviour –?Are you doing things or are you not doing things??Is this the way you want it to be?

How do you work with your physiology so for example, if you went for a run would you change your emotional state? I would suggest, having done the couch to 5k, sometimes my emotional state was a little bit uncertain initially but generally doing something creates a positive emotional state. So, just do something and make sure it’s towards your goals.

Our Skills –??In terms of our skills, how do we manage our emotional state? If we reflect on a time when we felt really positive and remembered that time and begin to feel that state, that’s called anchoring, which we teach on NLP courses. It is a good skill to be aware of your emotional state because sometimes we continue day to day and we don’t really notice how we’re feeling at that point in time.

Grounding is something that I do. Ground yourself – there are lots of tools out there to learn how to ground yourself. I tend to sit with my feet on the ground and the energy change that causes is brilliant.

Setting some goals even if they are small goals for example, “It’s the end of the day and I’m going to do this, and I’ve done it.” Or a one-year goal or five-year goal. These skills that are useful and create positive emotional states

Our Values and Beliefs –??In terms of your values, how motivated are you? Are you motivated towards something or are you avoiding the thing that you don’t want??Our beliefs – have we got positive beliefs or negative beliefs? We can change these using NLP as long as you’re aware of them – get in touch if you need some help with this.

Our identity –??Who are you? Are you happy with who you are? Do you always think you’re going to be who you are or do you want to be someone different? Our identity often carries emotions with it

Our Purpose?– In terms of your purpose, are you feeling like you’re on the planet for a specific reason, that you’re not at the moment meeting? How does that change your emotions?

So, if you start changing your environment, your behaviour, using your skills, looking at your values and beliefs, who you are, and why you’re here, all of that will help you manage your emotional state. However, if you’re not able to manage your emotional state then?get in touch?because there are lots of techniques in NLP which we can use to change your emotional state.?I do a free 30 min session, intensive coaching or book onto a course. If you?take action, this will mean that you’re fully in charge of your emotional state.

Until next time

Dr Bridget – being positive and cheerful


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