How to manage stressful situations.

How to manage stressful situations.

The lessons of the last four years have superseded what many have known and taught through formal and informal education. Is it surviving the COVID pandemic or the constant thinking of how to manage limited resources? The cost of living is building skyscrapers on our limited income. Some businesses are pushing for efficiency while implementing cost-cutting measures resulting in increased anxiety. The paradox is that many companies expect more work for the same pay or less and still want motivated employees. It appears endless and increases our level of stress.

We’re caught in this vicious circle we know subconsciously has no expiry date.

Some have nostalgic hangovers of what the past was, pre-COVID times, and we fail to sober up for the present. post-COVID. It feels like life is squeezing us into a corner. It is like a spiral of playing catch-up, where the walls are closing on us to get things done quickly. We rush to get to the next thing on the endless waiting list. The constant stress of meeting deadlines and the cost of living means over-thinking how to fit all expenses until payday.

Clinging to what was and expecting it to go back to normal inflicts more suffering in the process.

Learn the skill of adaptability because the expectation of things getting back to normal is unrealistic and can lead to more anxiety. Rest assured you are dealing with a unique situation. These painful processes we must undergo in different stages of human development.

In the just concluded In the Spotlight series organized by Entergrate, a civic society organization in Finland that promotes information sharing, promoting integration, and building community. We choose to focus on economic stress and its impact on well-being. One of the panelists Saini Harshwarden, a cognitive psychologist, used the analogy of a pressure cooker to emphasize the need to seek out help in times of need. A pressure cooker cooks things fast and at a high temperature, but too long under the pressure cooker can be dangerous. There are experiences of pressure cookers exploding when the value cannot let out pressure. A lot of people are feeling the impact of the cost of living and economic problems globally.

Stress can be a positive human emotion, to alert you of danger, but staying too long in the fight or flight mode can impact well-being. When we are stressed, we usually consider our situation unique, but it is not! The mantra that this too will pass can help deal with stressful moments. Managing stress is an ongoing journey that requires patience, self-awareness, and a willingness to adapt with a focus on the process: Baby steps. Rebecca Knight, a journalist at the Financial Times wrote an article published in the Harvard Business Review offering tips for stress management. She gave recommendations like identifying signs of stress, exploring opportunities, positive self-talk, taking deep breaths, seeking support from trusted individuals, and making to-do lists to prioritize tasks. Having a balanced and resilient approach to facing life’s challenges head-on is one way to overcome the challenges.

Communication is a vital part of managing stress. This is important when faced with hard decisions. Making tough decisions can be challenging especially when dealing with people. In an interview with The Growth Pod, Sanna Suvanto-Haarse, who has served on the board of companies like Paulig, Posti, Finnair, etc. She said that most difficult decisions are about people.

For example, when someone is not performing that needs to be communicated. Timely and firm discussions might be in the best interest of everyone. Although she was focusing on communication in organizations, the principles can apply to individuals as well. In work environments where people work closely together, we might experience conflicts of interest, ideas, or values.

We often consciously or unconsciously carry on these beyond the workplace, which ends up impacting other aspects of our lives. Imagine a scenario where you are upset and someone tells you to calm down, breathe, or go for a walk. The initial response might be who…to tell me what to do. But this might be the communication we need at the moment. Venting can help get outlets for all bottled-up emotions. In facilitating conflict resolution meetings experience has taught me that even in moments of intense conflict, communicating openly, firmly, and calmly without emotions works best. Taking moments to reflect before answering helps remove the emotional tension. Often people in stressful situations don’t speak to the issues, but instead act it out in different ways. Understanding the factors involved makes it easier to manage the conflict.

Learning the skills to manage stress can be an invaluable tool. In the same way exercise builds muscle, managing stress can build up resilience. The grit to overcome stress is learned by doing. Check out some of the tips when facing stressful situations.

Tips to manage stressful situations

  • Identity stress indicators: Understand what are your stress triggers. Reset mindset to prepare for the worst-case scenario while expecting the best.
  • Gratitude: Taking time to acknowledge the positive shifts in perspective and a sense of contentment. Talk to someone a friend, or family to avoid Imploding. Join a community
  • Plan for the future, but focus on the present. Don’t be stuck in the past. Solve what can be solved now and forget what can’t be fixed.
  • Focus on core needs. Understand when you have done enough and accept it as the best.
  • Exercises and sleep. Allow yourself a treat. Learn to be patient, projecting calmness during stressful situations.

Setbacks are part of the journey and have alleviated undue pressure. Focusing on the positives while trying to fix or deal with your stress can help improve your mental resilience. Doing good to others can help you focus on others rather than your problems. In Episode 7 of the Think about It! With Osita Ifezue, Verena Rentrop, AKA Chocolate Angel discussed how she built a business model on sharing micro-moments of joy. Picture this, you walk into an event, and the first thing that hits your face is a beautiful smile and a candy box. Verena is known in corporate and community events across Finland for bringing smiles to any event she attends. Once asked if she smiled and was happy all the time.

She said she has her stressful moments like everyone, but she resolved to share those micro-moments of joy and create Value Beyond Money.

This approach shifts focus to other things or people rather than the stress. Like Verena, investing time in projects aligned with projects that make your heart ring can help manage stressful situations.

Absolutely! Navigating through tough times indeed requires new skills, and effective communication stands out as a crucial tool for managing stress. It helps us understand each other better, resolves conflicts, and builds stronger bonds within our community. Identifying triggers and investing in activities that bring joy, like Verena Rentrop's initiative, are essential steps towards maintaining well-being amidst challenges. Let's keep sharing insights and support each other through these times!


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