How to manage the electricity bill?
A very established perception among companies and institutions regarding electricity bills is that little or even nothing needs to be done to reduce it.
Below is a list of 4 items that can make a big difference!
1. Contracted demand
Is it appropriately adjusted vis-à-vis recorded demand from month to month? The closer the better as there will be no cost of "idle demands" and/or fines for surpassing the contracted demand (fixed or a ratchet).
2. Tariff
Is it the most interesting (from the available options) for the energy use profile?
3. Power factor
Are there power factor payments that could be eliminated? In Brazil, they are normally "disguised" in the account by an acronym "coded" by UFER.
4. Purchase of energy
Free consumers can contract energy for future delivery, taking advantage of opportunities that arise (regardless of the end date of the current contract).
Do you monitor and control these 4 themes? If so, great – you are part of a minority, for sure! If not, it will be worth capturing the opportunities available!