How to Manage Depression and Reduce Stress
Understanding learning and dealing with depression of yours and your loved ones

How to Manage Depression and Reduce Stress

27+ profound basics to know, learn, understand and deal effectively with depression

1.     Depression affects different people in different ways - Depression is a widespread and genuine mental health disorder - Depression is not a sign of weakness or a personal deficiencies.

2.     People experience depression in different ways- living with depression can be difficult - but treatment can help improve your quality of life

3.     Clinical depression or the depressive-disorder —is a mood disorder that causes distressing symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working

4.     Everyone feels sad or low sometimes, but these feelings usually pass with a little time.

5.     Being sad is not the same as having depression - depression is different from sadness or grief and bereavement

6.     Grieving process unique to each individual and has some common elements and have some of the features of depression

In this article - we will learn

-         27+ profound basics to know, learn, understand and deal effectively with depression

-         13+ Treatment options for depression - There are effective treatments for moderate and severe depression

-         14 Natural treatment for depression

-         27 Depression symptoms - if you have more than 6 of these - then please-please-please consult a qualified-experienced mental-health professional

-         17 depression types - there are more types besides those mentioned here

-         9 causes which contributes make people depressive

-         60 Tips on what can you - yourself do about your depression

  • 30 ways on how can you help a loved one who is depressed

13+ Treatment options for depression - There are effective treatments for moderate and severe depression

1.     Psychological treatments

2.     Behavioral activation

3.     Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

4.     Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) - psychotherapy may help a person manage their symptoms of depression

5.     Antidepressant medication like (SSRIS) and (TCAS).

6.     Psychosocial treatments are also effective for mild depression

7.     Antidepressants can be an effective form of treatment for moderate-severe depression but are not the first line of treatment for cases of mild depression.

8.     Depression is manageable using the major three aspects

9.     Support of and from Family-members and loved ones - although they need to be trained, counseled and educated properly

27 Depression symptoms - if you have more than 6 of these - then please-please-please consult a qualified-experienced mental-health professional

1.     Reduced interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed

2.     A loss of sexual desire

3.     Change in appetite and eating pattern

4.     Unexplained weight loss or weight gain

5.     Sleeping too much or too little

6.     Agitation or Fatigue and loss of energy

7.     Restlessness, Irritations

8.     Feelings of guilt, regret and shame

9.     Difficulty making even simple decisions

10. Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

11. Thinking in term of how worthless you are

60 Tips on what can you do about your depression

1.     Tackle depression by seeking help AND doing the following - as soon as you become aware of being depressed - it will help you recover faster

2.     Take care of yourself

3.     Building strong relationships with others

4.     Make changes - in the ways how you think

5.     Identify, notice, record and track what situation and which people and what events triggers the symptoms of depression

6.     If you are able to spot the signs of depression early - may prevent full-blown depressive episode.

7.     Note-down - important events, changes to daily routines, and moods - create a rating - to link the degree of the severity of your depression - with types of events and people - be as specific as you can - for future help

8.     Identify all the self-help techniques - which works for you - after trying out and practicing them - like breathing exercise, your own customized meditation methods

9.     If possible seek and be in the company of people who think different - to learn to look at your problems in a different way and promote a sense of calmness through feeling that not all is lost

10. Regular exercise and plenty of sleep

11. Managing stress better

12. Aerobic exercises - increases the endorphin levels and activates norepinephrine [one of the neurotransmitters] - which is uplifts the mood and can help relieve mild depression.

13. Being in nature - walking, soaking in sun, walking while observing the scenario of nature

14. Take help of people - who know you well - to vet your decisions

15. Spending time with people who love you and those whom you trust, believe-in and love

16. Sharing your inner-voice with your best trusted well-wisher

17. Learning to say No - to all those demands of people - which you don’t feel comfortable with

18. All that we struggle for is not focused to create happiness, memories and fulfillment - but to please, satisfy and get other’s validation as well as approval of others

19. Stop giving a damn about what others would think - think about what you want to do - which can uplift your emotional state

20. Get rid of the habits of possessing materialistic-things and becoming attached with them

13+ Treatment options for depression - There are effective treatments for moderate and severe depression

1.     Psychological treatments

2.     Behavioral activation

3.     Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

4.     Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) - psychotherapy may help a person manage their symptoms of depression

5.     Antidepressant medication like (SSRIS) and (TCAS).

6.     Psychosocial treatments are also effective for mild depression

For full content please read "Understanding learning and dealing with depression" in Success Unlimited Mantra's blog section


