How to manage constipation?
How to manage constipation?
Ayurvedic science believes that ama or undigested food particles is the root cause for the onset of every disease or evacuating this undigested food is the first line of treatment. Constipation is defined as irregular bowel movement, it could be either hard stool or incomplete evacuation constipation can be a symptom of any other disease or a problem alone. This completely depends on the food habits and lifestyle.?
Ayurvedic science explains about the body constituency and what we call as prakriti which defines a person's physical and psychological character. This is assessed through Nadi pariksha or pulse diagnosis. According to our science, it is said that a kapha prakriti person has very poor digestive power, consumes foods that are heavy, slows down the metabolism and causes constipation. Similarly, if a person with a Vata prakruti fasts, it's dry and rough food stays awake or doesn't get enough good quality sleep at night, he or she will have fur metabolism again leading to constipation. Hence, ayurvedic treatment is given according to the prakriti or constipation.?
Here are some easy remedies to prevent constipation.
These remedies are great on their own but the effect boosts 10 folds if they are accompanied by Lifestyle Changes!