How Making a Good Habit Can Be Easy
Jake T. Tullis
Fund Manager, Consultant, Investor, & Thought Leader - All things #web3 #sdlc
What is a Habit? Well the definition of a Habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. It’s what you do every day, without even thinking about. You don’t really pay attention while driving on your way to work, anymore do you? Yet when you enter a new city you are all eyes on the road. You form habits rather you want to or not. But what if you could consciously, create subconscious habits that give you the life you want to live? Well you can. You can change your habits, therefore changing your life by practicing consciously forming new beneficial habits.
Well of course this is easier said than done. It won’t happen overnight, but with discipline and focus you can achieve this. The beautiful thing is you can apply it to any aspect of your life. You can get better at anything you want to. If you are trying to lose weight but can’t stop buying the bad foods at the grocery, don’t get discouraged. It’s not who you are, you do it because you have a habit that happens subconsciously.
Too many people walk around with inferiority complexes because they think they are bad people or “born this way” when they just have bad habits. And habits can be changed, if you put some effort forth. Nothing comes without work. Like anything you must consistently work at it and always be improving.