How to "make yourself do anything", backed by science ??
Kilian Markert
?? Scale Your Agency Past 100k+/mo & Cut Your Time in Ops in Half ???? | Predictable Leadgen, Efficient Processes & Delegation, A-Player Team
Last year, as I was sitting in front of my laptop, working online with dozens of clients to massively level up their days...
...when I began to see the same patterns coming up again and again ??
Most of them were totally confused about what was necessary to become more productive, and efficient so they could have more time left in their days.
???? The Good: Most of them kind of knew WHAT they needed to do.
???? The Bad: They did not really know HOW to do it.
???? ♂? The Ugly: They thought they needed to “just do it.”
And it is totally understandable. The amount of misinformation out there is crazy.
Honestly, I am pretty fed up with it all of it.
? The hustle mentality out there telling you to just work more.
? The gurus who tell you to "just do it and push through”.
? The “shiny object” culture fueled by social media.
? Everybody becoming an entrepreneur just trying to focus on quick fixes to make a quick dollar
It's time to cut the BS.
Let's bring in some evidence-based science that focuses on sustainable lifestyle and behavior changes.
If you really want to become consistent enough to actually see results, whether in an activity in your business or personal life, you just need to apply the B=MAT formula.
BJ Fogg from Stanford came up with it and it’s pretty simple:
Behavior = Motivation + Ability + Trigger
Motivation (“Do you want to do it?”, Is it appealing?”)
Here, you need to differentiate between Macro and Micro motivation.
MACRO motivation comes from having a clear "Why?”, a bigger picture and reason for why you want something (e.g.: to grow your business or go to the gym)
Really ask yourself:
? Do you only want to do it because others told you?
? Do you have a clear why behind it?
? Is it something that really resonates with you?
? Does it brings you closer to where you want to be?
MICRO motivation is what you get after you took action and got started. (e.g: feeling motivated once you have done the first outreach emails, written the first paragraphs or done the first few sets in the gym.)
If you have problems getting started, make it more motivating by tying it to something that you enjoy doing like listening to great music, having a nice drink or coffee, sitting in your favorite chair, or even reviewing your macro motivation first.
Keep in mind your micro motivation will fluctuate, depending on the time of the day and your willpower reserves.
Do challenging and resistance tasks early in the morning. Eat that frog. Later in the day, especially the evening, do things that are easier for you to start and that you enjoy more.
Ability (“Can you do it?”, “Is it achievable?”)
? Do you know what to do?
? Do you how to do it?
? Do you have the time set aside to actually do it?
? Do you have your bigger tasks broken down into specific substeps?
"Reaching out to potential customers" is not specific enough.
Where do you do it? Who exactly do you talk to? What do you send? How many do you talk to? For how long?
???? You define that only ONCE and then you have a clear process to rely on.
When defining what you are going to do be careful not to set your expectations too high. Keep in mind the “Momentum Method”????
With any new thing, you want to focus on consistency first and increase difficulty later.
You make it easy to achieve this consistency by breaking it down into ridiculously small steps.
Once you start taking these tiny steps every day, you build up momentum. With this momentum, you will build up a little streak which also increases micro motivation to stick to the habit.
???? Set the bar low. This allows you to overcome procrastination and get used to it. Later you can always do more.
Trigger (“Are you prompted to do it?”, “Is it activated?”)
This is what most people neglect...
We might be motivated and able to do it, but it is not triggered, we are not reminded. Then we get distracted by other unimportant things and waste time.
That’s why it’s key to set up your environment in a way that makes it easy to do anything.
Sam Ovens recommends looking at all the items in your house and workspace and rating them if they help you focus are or a distraction
???? Removing distractions is already the biggest step towards more focus.
???? Then use calendar reminders, and sticky notes or just bookmark your checklists with all the necessary steps in your browser, easy to see. Have your to-do list clearly visible.
And the best trick?
???? Stack your activities. Put them after things that you do already. Then your brain will create a link, e.g. after I come out of the shower I always sit down on my desk and work on my ONE THING.
And that's it.
You will be far from perfect in the beginning, but make sure to stick to these 3 points.
This is how you make a sustainable change to become a long-term consistent performer that gets results.
Now go make some sustainable lifestyle changes,
Kilian ??
P.S.: Tag/share this with someone that just might need it to crush 2023????