How to Make Your Writing a Bigger Priority
It’s been quite a year. There have been some mountaintop highs and some valley lows. Some of the paths have been straight, others crooked. In experiencing this life, there are times when it is necessary to take a step back, pull focus, and get an overview of our lives.
Did we really make writing and our creativity a priority? We can tell by our choices and what we have produced and left in the earth. I dare to say if we don’t focus, have discipline and set strong, healthy boundaries, we will take the same thing into next year.
Most of us want to do well and put our hands to something and make a difference. Our path is on course to do exactly this. But we understand, unless we consistently put one foot in front of the other. We will never make it to that destination.
It is a good time to take inventory and challenge yourself.
Where are you really in this season?
Is it time to realign yourself with where you really want to be in life?
Is it time to write or should you settle some things before you get started?
It is important to make sure the dust has settled if we have experienced drama in any of our relationships.
Make the changes necessary so you can make writing a bigger priority this year than you have before!
The Literary Midwife – Cynthia L. Hatcher