How To Make Your Wife Feel Beautiful (How To Make Your Wife Feel Secure)

How to make your wife feel beautiful - How to make your wife feel secure.?

You want to make your wife feel special. That's a true sign of a caring and attentive husband. Too many couples fall into a negative behavior pattern once they've exchanged wedding vows. They take each other for granted and what was once a loving, caring and balanced relationship now becomes a breeding ground for resentment and anger. We all want to feel special and if we feel that way because of the actions of our beloved, it's even that much more enriching. If you want your wife to feel valued and adored by you, there are a few easy ways to make that happen.

Any effort you put into making your wife feel special will pay amazing dividends in terms of your marriage and how close it can be. You can start by simply telling her what she means to you. Women can't hear this enough from the men they adore. If you take a moment each day to tell your wife how fortunate you feel to be married to her, she'll never doubt your love for her. Even after several years of marriage, it's important to vocalize your feelings to your partner. She wants and needs to hear this from you.

You can also make your wife feel special by pitching in more around the house without complaint. No one really wants to tend to all those household tasks that need to be taken care of. What often happens in a marriage is the woman takes on more of that burden and that includes organizing everything for the children. Make a point of taking on more at home. Do extra small jobs each day and that will help ease up your wife's schedule and give her more time for herself. Marriage is an equal partnership in all ways so it's important to never lose sight of that.

Date your wife again if you want to make her feel cherished. Most of us are living on a balanced budget at the moment so dinners at extravagant restaurants and even movie nights are out. But there's a lot you can do at home to create a date like atmosphere. Order in your wife's favorite take out and rent a movie for the two of you to watch. What you're showing her with this approach is that you want some time just for the two of you to reconnect. She'll definitely feel special when you do this for her.

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What Are The Little Things That Count In A Relationship?

Do you remember when you first met your spouse and you were madly in love with each other? When you were not together, you kept thinking of each other from sunrise to sunset and you can't wait to see each other. When you were together, you could not keep your hands off each other. Later on as you get more comfortable with each other, intimacy settles into a fixed pattern and it is unlikely to get better on its own. You will have to be open to new ideas and explore ways to strengthen the desire for one another as well as improving intimacy in the relationship.

What Makes A Healthy Relationship Works?

Basically, for every long-term relationship to flourish and be successful, you need to have three key elements which are intimacy, desire or passion and commitment. Not all relationships have these three key elements. Some relationships have only one or two of the key elements.

If a relationship is only pure passion or desire without any intimacy and commitment, it is best described as infatuated love or infatuation. If a relationship has both passion and intimacy but no commitment, it is only romantic love and many dating relationships fall into this category. If what is left in a relationship is only commitment, this will be empty love and many long-term couples fall into this category. A relationship consisting of only intimacy and commitment but lack of passion is more of a companion type of relationship. Though better than empty love but is still less than satisfactory and is a trap for long-term relationships. A relationship that has passion and commitment but no intimacy is best described as a passionate, whirlwind courtship that has quickly moved to marriage, with not enough time to build intimacy.

How To Strengthen Desire And Intimacy In A Relationship?

It is anticipation, rather than obligation and pressure that fuels desire. In any long-term relationship, it is necessary to anticipate sex in the same way as you would for other activities such as dinners, concerts and social gatherings. Though this may conflict with the idea about being spontaneous and romantic, however in reality, we are often so overwhelmed by the many responsibilities that sex is likely to be put at lower priority. You cannot count on spontaneity to make things happen. There is nothing wrong with planned, intentional sexual dates. To enhance the sexual experience in your 'dates', both of you can make special requests on how to turn on each other. This will establish a positive cycle of anticipation, satisfaction and regularity.

Another way of building anticipation is to put an idea into your partner's head about something that seems fun and exciting which is going to happen in the not too distant future. You keep referring back and touching upon this topic. It will serve to put your partner in a different mind state and feel excited even if nothing particularly exciting is happening at the time.

For example, you remind your wife about the romantic dinner you have planned to try a new cuisine on a particular night. As you keep reminding her, you will build up her anticipation and make her feel excited to see you when you return home. Making things exciting by keeping your partner in a constant state of anticipation by way of planning intentional sexual dates or anything that seems fun, exciting or unusual will in turn enhance desire.

Intimacy (which is the feeling of closeness, sharing and connection) is another important component of sexual desire. Marital sex involves integrating intimacy and eroticism. Sexual desire is strong when both parties value emotional and sexual intimacy (or connection).

How Do You Increase Intimacy In A Relationship?

Here are some ways you can practice on.

(1) You need to learn about each other's emotional needs and not take each other for granted. You have to find out about what things that can allow your partner to feel loved and valued by you. You have to continue to do the little things and use the same sort of thoughtfulness and caring gestures you did when you were first courting. It is unlikely that both of you share the same emotional needs. Therefore, you avoid making the mistake of only showing love in the same way that you like to receive love.

You make intentional, regular and daily deposits into each other's emotional bank account in ways that your partner recognizes as loving, caring behavior. This may require having you to get out of your comfort zone. If your partner needs to be touched and you are not the touching type, it is time for you to learn a new language of love. This can be uncomfortable to you at first. But if you refuse to change your way, it will be sending her the message that you do not care enough to learn to love her in the way she wants to and you will only want to do things in your own way.

(2) You strengthen the connection with each other by tuning in to each other's feelings and needs, intentionally looking for ways to express caring, spending time with each other and having fun together.

(3) You express fondness by touching each other affectionately every day. Tender touch is a fundamental need for human beings. Touch is healing and is also a way of expressing love and acceptance. When someone touches you it is like they are acknowledging you.

(4) When you are upset or angry about something your spouse has done, you can try to be more understanding and forgiving of each other to prevent the barriers to communication from affecting intimacy.

Remember that you need desire, intimacy and commitment to keep a relationship strong. With good communication, you are able to understand each other's needs. Based on this knowledge of each other's needs, you make an effort to do the little things regularly to show you care. You use anticipation to drive passion or desire by setting aside time for passionate moments and by feeding fun and exciting ideas by setting aside time for passionate moments which you intend to make them happen. If you can do these, you will continue to have great sex, regardless of how long you have been in the relationship.

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