How to Make Your Website More Visually Appealing

How to Make Your Website More Visually Appealing

Making your website visually appealing is a difficult task if you are not a web designer. Your website needs to capture the attention of your visitors and encourage them to explore further into your website. Your visitors can easily absorb the message you want to convey with a simple but attractive website.

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' which means your perception of beauty is subjective to your desires - but this may not always be the case. To achieve attractiveness, we must always follow a set of invisible guidelines - especially when designing a website.

But what makes a website visually appealing?

We have come up with an acrostic that can help you remember it easily: E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T.

E – ENGAGE your visitors with a mind-blowing design.

L – LIGHTEN up the mood using colours.

E- EMPOWER critical thinking of your visitors.

P - PLACE content in proper places

H - HELP visitors with content usability

A - ADDRESS proper internet decorum to show credibility

N – NIFTY images with captivating meaning; and

T – THE consistency of the design.

A great design makes it easy for the visitors to move around and attracts other visitors too. When you pay attention to design, the results are measurable profits. Thoughtful, professional web design gives a company's customers a better experience.

Making your site visually appealing is difficult if you are not a designer, but Elephant in the Boardroom can help you with that. At Elephant in the Boardroom, we take the time to get to know our clients and learn about their goals. We learn everything there is to know about your company and look at problems from every angle. We establish success metrics by defining objectives. We work together and pay attention to you.

Do you require a website designer for your business or organisation? Team Elephant is capable of completing the task. To learn more, go to or call +61 (03) 7018 7620.


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