How to make your resume stand out from the crowd
Olivia Attwood
Certified Professional Resume Writer ● Career Coach ● Executive Resume Writer ● MBA, BEng, CPRW, CPCC
Whether it’s 2018 or 2030 resumes are always going to count especially if you are seeking for a job. You see, your resume sums up everything about you, it tells about your skills, your qualification, your talents and your past achievements too and all of these factors ultimately depict your personality and your professional capability.
You have finally graduated and you now have a degree in your hands too but this isn’t where your struggle ends, in fact, this is the time when your real struggle starts. If you are hunting for a job at this moment then the first thing you need to do is to build a CV that stands out from the crowd. As said earlier, your CV is your representative and that one document will actually decide your future so you need to invest quite a lot of effort in it.
When you are writing down your CV you want to impress your recruiting managers and then get selected for an interview that then leads you to your dream job. So, you need to do everything you can to ensure that your CV is the best and the most impressive.
Now, if it’s your first time that you are building a CV then you obviously need someone to guide you. And today in this article we are here to do the same, we will jot down some of the best and the most effective tips that can help you create a one tremendous resume that will get your hired within a short time period.
1-Provide an excellent branding statement
Your branding statement is not just a set of skills in fact it’s a proper 3 to 5 lines statement that tells about your skills, your key qualities and your expertise too. Remember, your branding statement is not about who you are and how you got here, it’s all about what you can do and how can you contribute in a company with the help of your skills and abilities.
2-Use of language
Focus on the words you use and try writing a one engaging CV. Moreover, if you think you don’t know how to play with words and make them look engaging then don’t stress on it and hire someone to write your resume for you. There isn’t something wrong about it until everything you mention in the CV is true and has everything what you have actually done. Your words matter a lot and the way you’ve described yourself matters too. You never know if your recruiter ends up hiring you just because of your writing skills.
3-Limit the use of bullet points
A well-represented CV is not the one with the maximum number of bullet points and headings, in fact, the best resume is the one that has everything covered in it in a precise way. You can use bullet points and they are great when it comes to the proper representation of your skills and your achievements. Tell your story, tell about the challenges you had to face and all the struggles you made but again, be precise and get unique with the choice of words you use.
These are a few tips to make your CV stand out among all the others. Use these tips and suggestion and we assure you that you will soon land on a good paying job.