How to Make Your Own Luck by Changing Your Thoughts
Duncan Hesketh
Speaker Bureau President - Speakers Inc | Elevating Voices, Inspiring Audiences
What many people don’t realize is that they can actually become luckier by changing their beliefs about themselves and what will happen in their lives. This sounds absurd, but it makes a lot of sense once you understand the logic behind it all.
People tend to think that luck is something that is out of their control. After all, that's pretty much the definition of luck; luck is good things happening to you often that you did not directly cause. Luck is winning the lottery, luck is finding a tenner on the floor and luck is being in the right place at the right time and meeting the person who becomes the love of your life/offers you that amazing job.
But while luck might seem out of our hands, we all know some people who just seem to have 'all the luck'. These are the people who have all the good things happen to them and almost seem to have a charmed life… And for one person to be that consistently lucky? It seems a little statistically improbable!
So what's really going on here?
It all begins with changing your self-perception and your attitude. And you've already taken the first step by signing up!
The Law of Attraction
You may have heard of the 'law of attraction'. This is the idea that what you put out into the world ultimately dictates what you get back; that as you act, so you will become.
Again this might sound like nonsense – but stop and think about how this might work.
Acting like someone who is very successful might mean dressing smarter, acting more assertive and confident, taking on more responsibility and even walking taller. If you genuinely believe you are successful or destined for success, then you will exude this certainty in everything you do.
As a result, you will give off a number of signs that tell people you are successful and confident. They will see you 'strutting' in your smart suit and they will think 'there's a successful and capable person'. And you know what? They will be more likely to offer you more work, to give you promotions and to generally help you to succeed as a result.
You've heard the expression 'dress for the job you want'. Well actually, you shouldn't just be dressing like a pro, you should be taking on that whole personality in every way that you can so that you give off that aura of success, confidence and smarts.
The law of attraction also works in other ways too. Did you know that people who have nicer things often get better Christmas presents? That's because people know that their gifts need to be special to stand out and to deserve a place in their home. You should give people with less the better presents because they would appreciate them more but that's not how life works. Nice things attract more nice things.
This is the law of attraction.
The bottom line here, is that if you don’t believe you are capable of greatness, then you likely won’t act as though you are. And if you don’t act as though you are… you won’t be!
Hang your head feeling shy and vulnerable, and that is how people will perceive you and therefore treat you. Be scared of everything and you won’t take chances that could end up improving your life for the better.
But be bold, proud, and powerful and you can achieve amazing things and transform the way others see you.