How to make your own Industry of Thermal Hydrolysis
Here is a Detailed Project Report on the Thermal Hydrolysis Plant, its process, market position, demands, investment opportunity and project financials. It comprises a comprehensive analysis of the industry
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What is Thermal Hydrolysis?
Thermal Hydrolysis is a process with two stages used on water sewages, industrial wastes and municipal solid waste. In it all the above mentioned raw materials are exposed to high temperature and high pressure.
Thermal Hydrolysis is used to sterilize the sludge and make it biodegradable.
What is Thermal Hydrolysis used for?
Thermal Hydrolysis is used for the treatment of sewage sludge
Thermal Hydrolysis Process or THP is also used to create Biogas out of food waste. The process, pressure, cooks bio solids to improve its digestibility before anaerobic digestion
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What is the process of Thermal Hydrolysis?
The thermal hydrolysis process, i.e. the THP, is divided into multiple steps, as followed
????Collecting the sewage sludge.
The first step is to collect the sewage sludge from water treatment plants.
????Dewater the sludge.
The second step is to dewater, or drain all the water from the sludge to about 16% of solids remain. These solids are what we call, Bio solid.
????The Pulper,
Now this thick sludge or bio solid is poured inside a machine called, Pulper. The Pulper homogenizes the sludge and pre-heat it to 100℃.
????Filling the reactors.
Once it is warm and homogenous, it is filled in reactors. The number of reactors depends on the amount of sludge, the size of a reactor and hydraulic retention time. The sludge is filled in sequence until all the reactors are filled.
????Steaming the reactors.
Once all reactors are filled, the steam is pumped in and the reactors are kept in this steam for 20 to 30 minutes. This is done for two reasons.
1.??To increase the temperature up to 180℃.
2.??To kill all the pathogens present in the sludge.
????Into the Flash tank.
Once they are sterilized and hydrolyzed, the sludge is taken out of the reactor and poured inside the flash tank. Inside the flash tank, the cells in the bio solids are destroyed. This destruction creates the organic matter that is then sent for anaerobic digestion.
This process adjusts the flow of matter at such a rate that flowing rates are doubled for sludge anaerobic digestion. So that is the process for Thermal Hydrolysis.
Why do we need Thermal Hydrolysis Process?
The simple answer to this question is, to get rid of sewage sludge. Sewage sludge can cause a lot of harm to the environment, to aquatic life, to agriculture and to humans. It is labelled as Hazardous waste.
Here are some ways Sewage Sludge causes harm;
????Sewage Sludge carries non degradable Organic pollutants.
Sewage water carries pollutants from industrial wastes, such as, PCBs, POPs and dioxin, these cannot be destroyed so they remain in the environment. These pollutants are then consumed by plants, which are eaten by all animals including humans. POP’s such as carcinogen can cause reproductive disorders, immune disorders and endocrine disorders.
????Sewage Sludge carries harmful pathogens.
Bacteria’s, viruses, fungi and parasites, such as salmonella, campylobacter, listeria, hepatitis, protozoa all thrive inside sewage sludge. Parasites that can lead to neurological issues and nutritional deficiencies can be found in the sewage sludge.
????Sewage Sludge carries nanomaterials.
Sewage sludge is filled with cosmetics, such as shampoo, sunscreen. When we wash our hair with shampoo, ever wonder where the foam disappears? It goes straight into the sewage and mixes in with the sludge. These Nano materials are harmful for animals and plants and should not be released in the environment, without any prior assessment.
????Sewage Sludge carries heavy metals.
Sewage sludge carries metals such as lead, thallium, molybdenum, mercury, and cadmium. These metals carry toxins that are hazardous to humans in small doses
????Sewage sludge also carries hormones.
The Pharmaceutical leftovers from hospitals, such as used syringe, blades, used bandages, experimented animals, such as rats, dogs, mice’s, prescribed drugs can all be found in a sewage sludge. These things carry hormones with them. These hormones can trigger cancer cells in humans, they can lead to premature puberty, but these occur rarely. These hormones also act as triggers for endocrine disruptors, or they can break reproductive cycles.
And this is the reason why we need to get rid of sewage sludge. By the use of Thermal Hydrolysis Process, we can do that. We can get rid of sewage sludge, or even better, we can recirculate it into energy.
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The Thermal Hydrolysis Market.
The THP or Thermal Hydrolysis process, is almost a monopoly. The other word for Thermal Hydrolysis process is Cambi Process, which is the company that owns about 95% of the THP market. The only competitor it has of today is Veolia and Sustec, which are only operating in one country, respectively. Whereas Cambi is a global Thermal Hydrolysis processing business.
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