How to Make Your Mission, Vision, and Core Values More Than Words
Every CEO knows they must develop three core elements to business management: a mission statement that explains the fundamental purpose of their company, a vision statement that plots a destination for their business, and core values that represent the fundamental beliefs and principles defining the company and its culture. Executive teams will commonly invest significant time developing these elements, even hiring consultants or advisors to help them. Yet, once satisfied with the results, these essential business tools frequently end up stored in a file that is rarely opened or are published in a hidden section of the company’s website. And that’s not how it should be.
Use Mission, Vision, and Core Values, as Your Guiding Compass
All too often, we encounter executives who can’t cite their mission, vision, or core values. How can you manage and model your business along these principles if you don’t remember what they are?
Integrate Core Values, Mission, and Vision with Staff Management
Using these business tools isn’t just tied to executives making decisions. Every employee must know them inside and out and work to fulfill the mission and vision while abiding by the company values.
The Bottom Line
The core defining elements of your business values need to be more than just words on a webpage. They should guide your daily operations and decision-making. If you find yourself or your team straying from these guiding principles, it's a sign the statements and values may need to be revisited and reinforced.
Make mission, vision, and core values a visible part of your company culture, whether that's through physical displays in the office or digital reminders on your intranet. Include them in strategic conversations and problem-solving sessions. At CSA Research, we've found that a strong foundation in these elements is crucial for achieving long-term success and repeatable results.