Did it ever occur to you that the current mess you are in can be the catalyst to give your future life much greater meaning and purpose?

Keep reading, even if you have already overcome your mess…

A really powerful way to overcome your current mess, is to pretend that you have been given the task to help a group of people to overcome what you are currently experiencing.

- Create a course outline.

- Imagine that the course will be hugely impactful and really change people’s lives.

Those people are so inspired by you because YOU successfully overcame it using the guidance you share in that program.

Now visualize them getting a powerful transformation from what you created.

How does that feel?

Doesn’t it make your current mess a lot more meaningful?

?? What if instead of waiting for that potential reality to magically happen, you did everything and I mean EVERYTHING you could to MAKE IT HAPPEN?

I can help you if you are serious about it.

Work with me for one year and I will help you to not only overcome your current mess, but to pay it forward and help others to overcome theirs too.

Knowing that your transformation can bring positive change in the world will make a massive difference.

Because it’s not just about you anymore.

It’s about the IMPACT that your transformation will have.

It’s about benefiting from the positive impact of that.

And trust me. There is no better feeling than knowing you have positively impacted other peoples’ lives.

So why not let your mess become meaningful?

Mine the gold that is hidden in it.

Let that cloud have a massive silver lining.

I help people like you to find the courage to change, to find the courage to find your voice and to find the courage to share your journey.

I would recommend a year-long 1:1 intensive with me if you first need to overcome the mess.

If you have already overcome the mess and you just want to get your message out, then we could do that in 3 - 6 months of 1:1 work together.

Here is what we will cover:

1?? A clear vision of what you want to achieve in the next 3, 5 and 10 years.

2?? Clarity on your positioning.

3?? Ease around your messaging.

4?? A website and social media presence that speaks to the clients/groups that you want to work with.

5?? A coaching offer that meets the needs of your clients, that you can speak about with ease.

6?? A plan to reach your audience in the most enjoyable way possible for you.

7?? A structured talk - and possible steps towards a TED talk if that interests you.

8?? Significantly increased awareness around ego and intentionally working from true nature.

9?? Focus, discipline, and structure in your day so the work gets done.

?? Daily mindset and manifestation work to achieve the seemingly impossible.

The number one goal will be to help you to monetize your work and get your return on investment asap.

Sounds like a plan?

Let’s do this for you and for all the people your transformation will impact!

Message me now to chat about it.


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