How to make your life simple

Hello again, welcome to the next edition of Keep Calm and Carry On Aligning.?

I'm Dr. Andy Toy, and today I want to discuss with you how to get out of trouble

Now last time I spoke to you, I was in a very, very peaceful place up near the Taconnaz Glacier in Chamonix. You may remember that beautiful sight (check out my social media for video) of that lovely waterfall and all the snow and the ice and the peace that was there.?

And I was telling you all of the importance of systems to make your life simple. Now, I want to expand on that a little bit.?

And I'm back in another peaceful place, back in Sheila's allotment, just over the road from where we live. So with all this peace around and the desire to make your life as simple as possible, let's focus a little bit on systems.?

Let me show you how to have less problems, less firefighting, less risk. You’ll feel happier. You'll sleep better. And guess what? You'll be more profitable too!


NOW, one of the things that got me out of trouble at the end of the 80s was getting into something called Total Quality Management.?

This really got my business under control. And we were able to improve the quality of what we did, and make more profit!

And one of the underpinning principles is this lovely phrase…?

Doing the right thing, right. First time, every time.

So every time I went into anything I was trying to do, I will be thinking of those three things, doing the right thing, right, first time, every time.?

Now doing the right thing is about being most effective. Doing the best possible dentistry I could do that was appropriate to that patient.?

Doing the thing right is about being efficient. So doing it with the minimum amount of time required minimum amount of resources. The right sort of people basically reducing waste.?

And then finally, first time, every time is about being consistent. It's consistency where systems come in.?


The thing is, if you can become more consistent, you will improve the quality of what you're doing. And you'll do it with less resources, which obviously means less costs, more profit. You square that circle.?

Systems are the key. I've tried to build those systems into everything I do. And fortunately, Invisalign is very systematic. How?

We have a clear number of steps that we go through, pretty much the same for every patient. When you apply those systems consistently, you will find that you will do better Invisalign more quickly, with less waste.?

On our postgraduate diploma in clear aligner therapy, we teach you three systems and really force you to apply them.


The first system is Raman’s fantastic comprehensive safe assessment. It's not just about orthodontics; it's also about the aesthetics, function, and health of the teeth and gums and jaw as well.?

So you get a fantastically extensive assessment. When you practice that systematically, you're fine. You can do it in less than three or four, maybe five minutes at most.?


The next system we teach is the four-sentence treatment prescription. That's something that I wrote with Raman’s help. And that's based on facially generated treatment planning, which will also allow you to control the occlusion and recession risk.?

It's basically three reference points. And it uses the algorithms that Invisalign already have built-in to control your Clincheck. In my hands, 93% of the time is either right first time, or just need one modification.?

Now the reason it only needs one modification, because of the third system that we teach you…


STEP 1: I know what we want to do when we first look at a ClinCheck. We want to see what the end result looks like, don't we? That's the sexy bit.?

But actually, the first thing you want to do when you look at a ClinCheck is you want to check they got the occlusion right. Because if that's not right, you're going to send it all back.?

STEP 2:The second thing you're going to check is the quality of the scan and ClinCheck technician Comments.

  • Have they got a decent scan??
  • Have they included all the teeth that they're going to include??
  • Is there anything else about that scan that the ClinCheck technicians don't like? So you look in the comments box for that.?

STEP 3: The third step is what's the end result like? Did they produce the result you're looking for? And that's where your four-sentence treatment prescription is going to be really helpful. If you're happy with that, then you can go on to the fourth step…

STEP 4: Do you like the way they've done it? So looking at things like attachments. Do you like where the IPR is? Do you need to add elastics, for instance? You may want to modify the position of some of the teeth. Or maybe you want to reduce the difficulty of the case by taking out some of those blue and black movements or reducing them.?

So once you're happy with all of that, and you're ready to show the patient, then you go on to the fifth step…


And as you know, consent is a really, really important thing in my life. So I want to get a good idea of what sort of things a patient needs to know about before they can finally agree to this treatment.?

Consent issues may well be issues of tooth shape, against tooth position, for instance. Maybe it's black triangle risk or compliance with elastics. Will the bite feel a bit odd, maybe when you’re correcting a crossbite? All sorts of things that are particular to that individual patient. And I get them all written down in the notes.?

And that way, I've gone through my ClinCheck systematically, and that's why I only need to modify them once nearly all of the time.?

So there you go. Systems, Systems, Systems.?

  1. The SAFE assessment form.?
  2. The Four-Sentence Treatment Prescription.?
  3. The Five-Step Systematic ClinCheck Review.?

Practice them, put them into your daily lives, and you will start to enjoy a lot more from your Invisalign practice.

Let's create more peace in your practice. There'll be less problems, less firefighting, less risk. You will feel happier; you'll sleep better.?

And guess what? You'll be more profitable too. Please adopt those systems.

Treatment Coordinators will become more and more popular in 2023. But what does the role actually involve and how will it change from this year?

Join Tiny T for a lunchtime discussion on the roles and responsibilities of the TCO in 2023 and how your Dental nursing experience can give you the kick-start to progression and real job satisfaction.

Dec 21, 2022 01:15 PM in London

TCO's need some TLC!

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Such sound advice Andy ! Feeling very envioud of your trip to France!



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