How To Make Your Jobs Advert Stand Out

How To Make Your Jobs Advert Stand Out

When you have spent a lot of time creating your job advert, it becomes easy to believe that you have nailed your most recent recruitment advertising campaign. Naturally, it is disappointing to then see the top talent going to other businesses in your area.

It is a competitive market for talent, therefore it is important that you do everything you can to attract the candidates you need. Especially if you are recruiting for roles that require niche skill-sets. If you find yourself losing candidates to your competitors, you need to make sure that your job advert stands out and distinguishes your company from other businesses.

These are some tips that you can follow to ensure your job advert is more memorable.


Don’t Just State You Achievements, Describe Them:


Any company can say, “we’re innovative, we’re unique, we have a sociable culture…” and so on. Jobseekers see these phrases thrown into job adverts all the time, which has caused them to lose their meaning. This means that you should aim to show, instead of just talking. Don’t just say “we’re innovators,” instead talk about the amazing products you have created and how consumers have reacted to them, plus any awards that you have won as a company.

Are you wanting to convey how sociable your culture is? Rather than saying “we have a sociable team,” talk about your weekly trips to the pub and your summer BBQs. By actually talking about your achievements and showcasing your culture, you can provide much more of an insight into what it is actually like to work for your business.


Don’t Copy and Paste The Job Description:


It is important to understand that a job description is not a job advert. Despite this, there are still a lot of companies that are still copying and pasting their internal job descriptions on to the job boards. This a huge no because job descriptions are usually very detailed and contain information on every single duty that the candidate will be completing. Also, job descriptions are often filled with internal language that may be unclear to anyone not working within your business.

Job adverts are supposed to provide an overview and a short summary of the role, as well as selling the opportunity.


Don’t Be Afraid To Be Different:


Job adverts don’t have to read like a formal document or an essay, you can inject some humour or use more colloquial language to make your advert stand out from the others. However, be mindful of your brand, it will look slightly odd if the writing style of your advertisement is not aligned with your other communication.


Make It Easy To Read:


There are a lot of job adverts that contain huge paragraphs of text, which can be difficult to digest and can put jobseekers off from applying. It is up to you to ensure that the text in your job advert is formatted for an online audience and is easy to read, it is key that you avoid using long, clunky sentences.

Doing this will increase the chances of jobseekers applying for your role. Just think, you could miss out on a perfect candidate due to them not wanting to read through a lengthy advert.


Tailor Your Advert To The Correct Sector:


Both the language and style used in your job adverts should differ depending on what sector you’re advertising in. For example, an advert for a Marketing Executive should read differently to an advert for a Customer Service Advisor, an Electronics Engineer or a Front End Developer.

At all times, it is important to keep your target audience in mind and think about who you are writing an advert for. Include details that will appeal to your audience, if you are trying to attract candidates who are team players, then you should talk about the friendly team environment that they will be working in. This should be done for all roles as it will attract more of the candidates you are looking for.

If you follow these tips, you will find that your job adverts will appeal more to the candidates that you want to apply.


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