How To Make Your Husband Feel Important (How To Make Your Husband Feel Like A Hero)
How to make your husband feel important - How to make your husband feel like a hero.
If you sense that your husband needs a bit of special attention, I have a solution for you. I know, because it worked for me. Here are 6 things to do to make your husband feel special:
1 - Be Confident in Your Looks
If you are like 99% of women out there, there is some part of your looks - your face, hair, or body - that you feel could be improved upon. You may feel that you are not as attractive as you could be and that your husband might love you more if you looked better. Well, it is no secret that men are indeed attracted looks, and your husband is no exception to that rule. However, it is a lesser-known fact among women that what men care about at least as much as looks is the actual confidence that a woman exudes about her looks. That's right: you have the power to influence how special your husband feels about the attractive woman he is with (that's you!) merely by showing more confidence in your sexuality. Confidence is a turn-on, as any man will tell you. So, while you should continue to try to look your best, be sure to throw in a healthy dose of self-confidence in order to keep him feeling attracted to you.
2 - Do Little Things to Delight Your Husband
Think about how good it feels when someone does something nice and unexpected for you. Great, right? Well, your husband is no exception. The next time you would like to make your husband feel special, offer to do something out of the ordinary. You can do so without spending much money. For example, you could stop by the store and pick up his favorite car magazine or candy bar. Or, find one of his old favorite movies on TV and record it, then offer to watch it with him. Even try downloading or buying a song he loves - either an oldie or a new Top 40 hit. The point is, these little surprises will make him feel very special.
3 - Show Appreciation for Him
Everyone likes to be made to feel that they offer something unique that nobody else offers. We all like to feel that we are appreciated by other people - especially our spouses. Buy your husband a card or just write him a simple note and list out a few things that you really appreciate about him. Leave it where he can easily find it. He will instantly feel a little bit more special just by reading it.
4 - Make Sure He Knows You Only Have Eyes for Him
One of the best ways to make your husband feel special is to make him feel physically attractive. Let me know that you only have eyes for him - that he is the best-looking, most attractive man in the room and in your life. You wouldn't believe how close he will feel to you if you do!
5 - Show Him the Lighter Side of Life
Like women, men love to be around someone who is positive and upbeat. While you do not need to be cracking jokes every 10 minutes to accomplish this, your man will pick up on your positive vibe and send more warm feelings your way.
6 - Find Common Interests
Your husband will feel special if you can find common interests with him. If you can find a way to become more interested in his hobbies, you are guaranteed to make him feel like a million bucks. Your husband will feel more special and validated if you show interest in what he already loves to do.
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Selflessness Is Crucial in Making Marriage Work
People very in love with each other can become so overwhelmed with their emotions that they can decide in a snap to get married. They can be impulsive without even thinking of what lies ahead when they finally settle down. A whirlwind romance as many people call it and depending on the attitude of both partners, it can either become short lived or can remain as a lifetime commitment.
One of the keys to making a marriage work is not focusing on one's self all the time. Being selfless is the right ingredient. What this means is both partners, if at all possible, should try to fulfill the needs of the other first. One's personal needs should only come second. This also calls for not being too sensitive if your expectations are not readily met by your spouse.
People who are self giving are worthy of emulation. They're few and far between these days but if one wills to change his or her behavior for the good of their marriage, it is very possible to practice being selfless in many ways every day. Those who are not used to this attitude may initially have a hard time adjusting but when done consistently going forward, it has a chance of developing naturally.
Patience normally accompanies a selfless attitude. A person who has the patience and tolerance for his or her partner's negative views and behavior is seen to be more capable of putting aside his or her own needs for the benefit of the other partner. For people with this kind of behavior, it doesn't matter whether they are stressed out or disappointed as long as they're able to give part of themselves to their spouse. They would rather be a stress reliever than become the source of stress to their marriage.
Many studies in the past have proven how selfishness of one spouse can lead to the destruction of their marriage. It cannot be denied that numerous people tend to be self-centered such that they want their wishes granted right away and that not getting what they want could lead to fits of anger and violent reactions.
Psychologists and evolutionary theorists agree that every individual's personality has a selfish side. Although some will claim that they're not selfish as they can even give up their own interests for the sake of their partners, it has been found that there still remains some level of selfishness within one's self.
Experts say that acts that tend to appear as selfless still actually serves a person's own interest in some way. It can be to fulfill one's own perception, to get an approval for an accomplishment or it can be a form of sacrifice but which is meant to improve one's status in the eyes of other people or even in the eyes of God.
Married couples, however, should understand that marriage is a union, a commitment to share life's joys and sorrows together. In other words, the "I" should already be replaced by "we." Personal satisfaction should no longer be a priority because in marriage, giving up one's own interests, time, money and satisfaction for the sake of your spouse and children is the more ideal path to take.
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