How To Make Your Frist $100,000 As A Nutrition Coach
by Dr. Marc Morris Ph.D.

How To Make Your Frist $100,000 As A Nutrition Coach

If you want to make more money in your nutrition coaching business there’s one main strategy you need to take to the next level.?

Once you have this strategy in place, you’ll start attracting clients that get better results and will be easier to work with.?

These are the same clients that will happily pay $500 plus per month to work with you.?

If you’re sitting there thinking, that sounds great but no one is going to pay me that. Stay tuned because in this blog I’m going to break down exactly how to make it happen.?

After training hundreds of coaches, I’ve realized the ones that are comfortable doing this get better results for their clients and make more money.?

So let's dive in...

There are two main ways to make more money in your nutrition coaching.?

The first one is simple.?

Step 1. Work with more clients

If you can work with more clients you’ll have higher monthly revenue.?

Instead of working with 10 clients at $150 per month, if you can sign on 20 clients at this price you’ll have doubled your revenue.?

To attract more clients to your coaching service, you need to get more people interested in your nutrition coaching.?

To do this, you need a better understanding of what people want.?

Specifically the results they are after and how their lives would change once they get that result. Better.

Once you know this, you need to create social media content that reflects that.?

And from there, you get to work on marketing yourself.?

Seems simple, but this does take a lot of energy.?

But there’s an easier way to make more money, without having to find new people.?

Step 2. Charging more for your service.?

Not just a little more, a lot more.?

And this may surprise you, but you can charge twice as much as you’re charging now, once you master the skill I’m going to teach you today.?

Take comfort in knowing there is someone out there, with less experience and knowledge than you, charging someone 10X as much for the same service as you offer, all because they do one thing you don’t.?

How are you going to do this? Get better at SALES.?

Specifically, the sales call.?

You may hear this interaction named differently—strategy call, discovery call.?

All this means is an initial conversation with a prospective client that has already shown interest.?

The key to charging more for your service is talking to someone directly about what they’re trying to achieve and presenting the path to get there.?

This isn’t just “selling”, it’s helping?

Let me explain why this is important. Think of it this way:?

You’ll buy a pair of shoes, something around a $100 value, online because you like them.?

But,? you won't buy a pedal bike, that costs about $1000 until you’ve read all the reviews and done some research.??

What about something more expensive? Something like a car that could cost you over $10000.?

What do you need to buy something like that??

You need to test drive it first and talk to someone to see if it’s right for you.?

Selling online nutrition coaching is no different.?

If you want to sell a more expensive coaching service, people are going to need to talk to you first and make sure you are the person to help them.?

Let’s talk about how to do that:?

First off, before we go into specifics, there are generally two things to do before you get on a sales call.?

The first one is to get the client to fill out an application.?

Essentially you want the standard stuff, like contact information, but most importantly, you want to know WHAT THEY WANT TO ACHIEVE


You’ll want this information because once you have it, you have leverage.?

See, most people don’t want to spend money on nutrition coaching.?

But they’ll happily pay to fix a problem.?

Once you know what the problem is and why they want to fix it, you’re not selling.?

You’re just highlighting the path to a specific result, with a service that happens to cost money.?

(which should cost money, because that’s why it will work).?

Having this information going in will make the call go smoother, even if you have them repeat it again because you all know why you’re there.

There is no such thing as a service that’s too expensive, just a service people don’t see value in.

You’re going to build value through the sales call and make it obvious you’re the coach that is going to help them achieve something.?

It’s also important we get them to do something before we get on a call.?

  • Fill out an application.?
  • Gather some information?
  • Watch a video.?

Asking them to do something builds our authority. Because they start listening and taking action, which is important as a coach.?

People trust experts, so now is the time to establish yourself as the expert they’ll go to to achieve a result.?

But also, this prequalifies them. People that don’t want to do ANYTHING, won’t be good clients.?

Let’s weed that out right away.?

Next, get them on a video-based call service like Zoom. Having them see your face makes the interaction so much more personable.?

Once we’re ready to chat, go into the call CONFIDENT.?

Not cocky, like you’re the best coach to ever exist, but confident that you’re the person to help them and that they’d be silly not to sign up to work with you.?

Here’s what your next step:?

Step 3. Pre-frame the call

This might be the most important part of the call.?

You need to set the tone from the beginning.?

Even if you’ll get the prospect to talk a lot, you want to set the structure for what you’ll talk about.?

Exchange brief pleasantries at the beginning, but then go over what you’ll talk about in the call.?

Here’s the best way to structure the call:?

“Ok great Brenda, let’s go over what we’ll talk about today. First, I want to go over some of the stuff you expressed in your application.?

Specifically, what you want to achieve and what you’ve done in the past, so I can know how to create a plan for you moving forward.?

Then, based on what you say, if I see the opportunity where I can help you, I may extend an opportunity to work with me,?

How does that sound?”

You want them saying yes right off the bat.?

This keeps them engaged and gets them to agree with you early and often.?

Once we’ve done this we’ve set the intention for the call.?

At this point, the prospective client knows what you’ll talk about, plus it will keep everyone on schedule.?

If you’ve done a sales call and it took you more than 30 mins, it’s probably because you didn’t pre-frame the call.?

Especially, if it’s with someone you personally know.?

Treating this interaction like a professional interaction is EVER more important with a personal connection because that’s the only way we’ll sign up.?

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Before we move on, I want to talk about in-person trainers and coaches for a second.?

For whatever reason, they think the move to online coaching will be easy.?

They’ll start posting educational content and people will sign up.?

This never happens this way and a lot of trainers get frustrated and their online coaching never takes off.?

What’s the issue? They didn’t get people having conversions with them.?

The good news is that personal trainers are perfectly positioned to have sales calls.?

They already have sales skills. They just need to work it into their online strategy.?

At this point, you may be thinking, do I actually need to do sales calls? YES

If you want to charge more for your coaching service and get people to sign up, you need to talk with them.?

Here’s what you do next:?

  • Gather information (application) and have them tell their story
  • Now it’s their turn to talk.?
  • At this point, you want to discover their needs.?

Have them go over the main thing they want to achieve and gain any information on what they’ve tried in the past.?

You want to actively listen and figure out what’s important to them. This builds trust, which is essential if you want to charge more for what you do.?

Even if you’re having them go back over something they’ve talked about in the past.?

We want to have them express it in their own words.?

Keep in mind, that you’re doing more agreeing at this point and exploring what the main goal is and what has gotten in the way of them getting there.?

It’s really common to hear about fad diets and different time commitments that have derailed someone.?

Quick sidebar: if you take off your sales hat for a second and put on your marketing hat, you’ll realize these are the exact thing you should be working into the content.?

If possible, instead of taking notes, ask the prospect before the call to record the conversation, so you can use their exact words in your social media content.?

You’ll realize you need to be talking about “lose the belly fat” and “problem areas” instead of “getting leaner”.?

But, once you have them talk about what they want to achieve, you want to briefly talk about what they need to do.?

“Based on what you’ve described, I can see what is getting in your way.”?

“Here’s what I suggest…”

You want to focus on what they want and why it’s important, not specifically how to do it.?

You’re not keeping information from them as much as you’ve saved it for when they actually can put it into action, through your coaching.?

Once you’ve laid the path to results, we talk about an opportunity.?

Step 4. Extend an invitation Talk about details and the next steps.?

If this person is a good fit for your coaching.?

They’re eager to work and take action.?

They are a good fit for your approach, think tracking macros versus intuitive eating.??

Here’s your opportunity to pitch your coaching.?

Here’s the deal though—it’s not a pitch as much as it is an invitation.?

“Based on everything you’ve described, I think you’d be a good fit for my coaching. Want to hear about what that would look like?”

Here’s your opportunity to finally tell the person everything they get.?

The biggest mistake most nutrition coaches make is trying to explain this in their social media content.?

You know, weekly check-ins, individualized approach, unlimited support blah blah blah.?

The issue is people do ultimately need to know this, but they don’t really care about it until they see what’s in it for them.

Since we've already done a good job of that in the last step we can do that now.?

“Given you want to achieve _________, here’s how I’ll personally help you do it.?

I’m going to set you up on this…”

Once they understand how the process works we talk about the cost of the service.?

But instead of cost, we talk about “investment”.?

Because this isn't expensive, it’s an investment in a result.?

My favourite way to bring up cost is this:?

“What have you gathered about the investment in my coaching service?”

If they don’t know at all (i.e. you don’t have it listed anywhere), you review everything they’ll get and then talk price.?

Then you set and wait for what they’ll say….

Either they are in, or we get to the next step:?

Step 5. Handle any objections right there.?

If your coaching service is priced appropriately, it’s going to be expensive for some people. And that’s OK.?

Because it’s valuable and life-changing.?

But now is the time to handle objections:?

“I think I can do this myself”?

“I can get it somewhere cheaper”?

“This is too expensive”

“I need to talk to my partner”

I could make an entire series on how to handle these “objections” individually, but my best advice, for now, is to handle them head-on.?

Since we’re talking about charging more, if the objection is cost, I would go back over the client's goals and talk about your path to get there.?

“If you could solve this problem in 90 days, what would that be worth to you??

“It probably would be worth this cost wouldn’t it?”

The answer is usually yes, which is a good thing.?

Face this head-on.?

Step 6. Sign up or set a deadline.?

If they aren’t a YES right there, we do want to set up the next steps to get them to be in or out.?

There is zero room for MAYBE.?

I would give them some time to think about it, but then set a deadline to make a decision.?

“Totally understand you need to think about this, but here’s what we’ll do. I’m going to hold you a coaching spot until Thursday (3 or so days), but then you’ll need to let me know if you’re in or out, How does that sound?”

A no isn’t a no forever, but the death of an online coach is MAYBE.?

Set a deadline and you can move on, in or out.?

If you want to charge more for your nutrition coaching service, you are going to want to get better at sales.?

After training hundreds of nutrition coaches, I’ve discovered the ones that are comfortable with sales, make more money and help more people.?

Time to sharpen these skills and work them into your approach.?

But, as great as all these tips are, if you’re really serious about starting a nutrition coaching business then the next thing you’re going to want to do is to check out the video I have linked up below. Since you're now a nutrition coaching sales machine, here’s how to keep all of these clients organized.

So make sure to check it out now and I’ll talk with you next time.?

Julie O'Connor, CN

Functional Nutritionist, CN, CHWC

7 个月

big spelling typo in the title, but otherwise a great share!

Yuri Elkaim

Business Coach for Health Professionals Who Want to Scale Their Coaching Business

2 年

Thanks for sharing!


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