How To Make a WordPress Website
Joel Rivera
Founder of, a Web Design & Development Agency with a Focus on WordPress.
The Video above will show you how to build a great website that has some of the best scores when tested with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and PingDom Tools.
Near Perfect Score with Google PageSpeed Insights
Perfect Score with PingDom Tools
Creating a Website in 2017 is as easy as getting a Domain Name, Web Hosting and using a One Click Installation of WordPress that’s provided by the vast majority of Web Hosting Providers.
The process can take literally just a few minutes, probably less time than it takes to finish that Super-Sized Coffee from your favorite coffee shop.
How Much Does a Website Cost?
The cost of building a website has gone down from the former 10’s of thousands of dollars just a few years ago to less than $100 or even less than $20, just to get started.
This is possible because of free and open source software called WordPress which empowers you to actually own your website and not just rent it from a third-party service.
I’m an advocate for ownership. When you own your website, it’s like owning a home. You have greater control over your content, the way it’s presented and the level of functionality or design options.
Why own a website when you can just share your thoughts on social media?
Great question. Social media is a great way to be part of the conversation and gain views and followers but it’s hard to have social media as your base, your foundation for your online identity where people turn to you as a thought leader.
Social media is an extremely important part of becoming that thought leader or influencer. The thing you need to remember is social media websites tend to tweak their algorithms in ways that we can’t always predict or may not be in our businesses best interest.
How hard is it to build a website with WordPress?
It’s as easy as buying your domain name, getting webhosting and using a one click installation of WordPress.
You can then put in your settings for how your website will function and choose a theme which is for the presentation of your website and a few plugins which add to the functionality and dynamism of your site.
The whole process can seem intimidating at first, especially if you are new to owning a website but I created a video that explains the fundamentals of making a website that’s visually appealing and highly functional while also performing well in the browser and being completely SEO Optimized.
So, if you have ideas, opinions or something to sell like a product or service, then owning a website is the way to go.
Follow the steps in the video and you will see how easy it is to make an Amazing Website powered by WordPress.
Hopefully you found this post helpful, now's the time to build your website using WordPress