How to make winning choices in the changing landscape?

How to make winning choices in the changing landscape?

Organizations and companies are trying to make sense of the changing landscape, based on foresight and trends as we speak. Corporations spend hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars annually on collecting and making sense of this data, either themselves or with the help of external consultants. It’s not like we do not try to make sense of what is going on around us. Why is it then that again and again corporations, teams, decision makers and individuals are faced with the question; how come we didn’t see this coming before?

We as futures and foresight professionals at Futures Platform are faced with the above situation, and question every day. It is no longer enough to just observe, collect and make sense of future and foresight data. Next level approaches and work processes are needed, in order to avoid getting” hit” by wild cards, unexpected situations and events that might seriously affect, damage or even wipe out our whole business. Not to mention the vast amount of opportunities, which enable us to create completely new business, or just plainly help us to do it better, easier, quicker and cheaper than before. Examples of this are all around us globally; Hyperlocal businesses and start-ups challenging bigger companies in retail and service business, offering easy access, local and quickly delivered products (such as fresh eco-friendly foods) and services (ranging from plumper next door to electricians). 3 D-printing is already impacting several different businesses, from being able to produce weapons in the frontline to printing your own jewellery at home, or eventually even printing a whole house. The robotization and automatization of transport, and the whole logistics value chain, will eventually result in the disappearance of millions of logistics jobs in US alone. And the list goes on.

The key questions regarding decision makers and organisations today are; How do we collect and gain insight into future phenomena and trends shaping our landscape? How we as individuals and as a corporation turn plans and insight into action? In other words, what is it, that we are collectively doing about it?!!

Our aim at Futures Platform is to turn organisations more future conscious and foresight into continuous process, closed door workshops and events into collaborative and co-creative workflow. We have created a unique tool and concept for corporations to do just that, check it out on our site:


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