How to make what you receive MORE than what you give!
Jan Walsh, MBA, PAHM
Regional Vice President @ Copeland Insurance Group-Corporate | Executive Vice President at WISE
I know one thing we all wish we had more of and that’s TIME. And really, that’s the ONE thing we all have the same. No one has more hours in the day than anyone else. The most important asset or resource one has is really their TIME as we can’t buy more or earn more. To give someone the gift of your TIME, really says a lot!
For the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of mentoring 5 high school seniors helping them write essays to earn them scholarship monies for college. These girls have been involved in all aspects of Girls Inc. in Orange County from college planning to body image sessions to health and nutrition classes. Many of the girls have been involved with Girls Inc. from a very young age. Most are first generations going to college and some have stories that give you goosebumps when you read how much Girls Inc. has impacted their growing years in such a positive way. I would hate to think of where they might be if it weren’t for Girls Inc.
So getting back to resources and time. Girls Inc. can use your help! They are a national, non-profit organization and they run lean and manage their resources very well. However, some programs have been cut because of lack of funding. If you think giving them money or your time volunteering is a gift to them, IT IS. They really appreciate it. However, I never thought I would get SO much back from the girls with giving them just a couple hours a week of my time. What you get in return is tenfold! Give yourself a gift in 2017 and get involved with Girls Inc. You will be pleasantly surprised!