How to make text-heavy slides more readable
Often you would encounter to present a text-only slide to your audience. Most of the time, the presenter decides to add images and graphics to the already text-heavy content making it more difficult to read and digest. In this article, you will see an example of how a text-heavy content can be designed and re-organized so it becomes more readable for the audience
In the video example, you will notice the slide is very text-heavy and you will see how a simple 3-step approach makes it more readable
Step 1: Understand the content by reading it thoroughly. Remove unnecessary bold words. Understand the hierarchy of information. Only bold the main headers and very important words.
Step 2: Add more space between paragraphs to create visual separation. Higher the level, higher the space between it and the text below. This shall help show hierarch visually already
Step 3: Separate information and add visual to information. Category title and descriptions are separated. Try to rearrange elements by understanding the content and create more space between different type of content using blocks of information. Format different information differently, here the abbreviations are formatted differently to make clear visual separation. Where it is still not clear, add demarcating lines that would add one more level of separation apart from having space between the different elements on the slide
Additionally remove any redundant content that are repeating / not making any meaning
You can see from this simple example that applying this 3-step simplification logic brings more meaning to the content and easily digestible for the audience
The case discussed here is an example of text-heavy slides where it is not possible to include graphics. When you have freedom to include graphics, it can be done by splitting the content into multiple slides and adding interesting graphics which we shall see in another article
Do you have a presentation that you want to present better? superpptdesigns is a one-stop solution for all your presentation and graphical needs (from standard presentation to advanced presentations to illustrations to print designs). Write me an mail to [email protected] and I shall be happy to support