How To Make Sure That Your Dog Feels Loved?
Worried that your dog is not feeling loved enough? Gather your pen & paper to note down some tips to make sure that your dog feels loved.
From making your life happy to becoming your best friend, your dog gives you a lot.
What about you? How much do you care for your dog?
When we want our dog’s company, we reach out to them, and voila, your dog gets ready to shower us with all their love. But isn’t it unfair to ignore your dog’s want of extra love and affection just because they can’t speak?
Let’s have a look at some of the effective methods to make your dog feel loved!
Don’t you like it when your mommy makes something different from the usual healthy and boring food? The same goes for the dog too.
If you treat your dog with special meals apart from their regular dog food, your dog will thank you. Well, not literally but you get the gist, right? Right.
They will feel appreciated.
Not that they already don’t. After all, you have adopted them, you care for them and give them three meals a day.
But your special treat will add a cherry on the top to their love for you. You can give them dairy products, plain popcorn, white rice, apples, carrots and not to forget their most favorite chicken!
Want something mouth-watering yet healthy for your dog? Have a look at the?most healthy 20 homemade dog food.
Note: Not all human foods are safe for your dog. Take a look at the?list of unsafe foods for dogs.
Petting a dog is an art mainly because not every dog likes to be petted. And those dogs who like, also have some specific spots on their body where they feel comfortable to be petted.
How will you know where your dog wants to be petted? Simple! Spend some time with your dog. Let him sniff you and be relaxed. Let him get comfortable enough in your presence. If your dog starts wiggling and nuzzling to you, then it is your cue to pet them.
Be cautious while petting them. Start slowly and gently at first. Move your fingers along the hairs of your dog in a combing manner.
What are the other benefits of petting a dog? Click?here!
Not only your dog, but you will like it too. It can be a great method of releasing stress by spending some time with your dog.
Buying your dog, a toy to play with and accompany is never a losing game. These dog toys will keep your dog active. There are a variety of dog toys in the market. These toys are very helpful in relieving their stress by destroying them, keeping their stimulation in check and they can even practice other skills using them. The link to the dog toys?
If market toys are a bit expensive for you or you want to make the toys for your dog then there are always other options for it. You can easily make handmade dog toys using a few simple steps. The video on how to make homemade toys for dogs?How to Make Dog Toys at Home | Easy DIY Dog Games | Keep Dog Busy at Home — Bing video
Some people even attach delicacies the dog toys to make them more lovable for their dogs.
At the end how the day it is all up to you that how will you like to gift your dog some toys. If you like market ones, go for them, if you like to make it yourself then also go ahead.
Whether a simple walk to the park, daily morning jogging, evening walks, or a weekend hiking, your dog will love all of them. Dogs, especially dogs, really love to walk around with their owners. It provides then a chance to explore the neighborhood, examine the surroundings and learn new things.
It also helps them to detect different types of colors and smells. If you are heading towards the park, then your dog will learn to bond with other dogs. It will also be?healthy?for your dog’s animalistic nature.
Try to keep the walking pace with your dog.
It will be a great source of change of atmosphere for both you and your dog. Walking in the park while listening to your favorite band with your one hand occupied by the dog leash and other hand having a cup of coffee will be a great start for your every morning.
Keeping your dog hygienic is an essential part of your parenting towards your dog. Who in the world likes to be un-hygienic? Maybe no one. And your dear dog is also included in them.
Unfortunately, they can not do much towards their cleanliness. So automatically it becomes your responsibility as a parent to your dog.
Take your dog to a nice grooming dog shop. Make sure that its fur is cleaned properly to avoid any future skin diseases to your dog. Bath your dog regularly to avoid?typical health problems.
Also, keep your house especially the places often visited by your dog crystal clean. Your dog can easily catch bacteria and viruses from dirty places.
Remember, say no to compromise when it comes to your dog’s health and hygiene.
Is your dog active enough? If yes, then indulge him in these physical activities to keep his activeness in check.?How Much Exercise Does a Dog Need Every Day? (
Physical activities such as running, digging, help your dog with their health conditions, and their limbs will also remain active. It will also keep your dog’s weight in check, they will remain young and mentally young for a long period, prevent any chances of arthritis, flush out the toxin substances from its body.
You can also play some?exercise games?with your dog. Hide & seek and treasure hunts are especially recommended as they will also help you to establish a bond with them.
Try to balance your work and give them the proper amount of time they deserve.
Your dog’s life starts with walking, eating, sleeping, and following you. If you try to save some time to spend with your dog then for you it might not mean that much your dog will appreciate it a lot.
Animals, especially dogs are very friendly creatures. They would love to spend some quality time with their owners.
Play with them, go on a walk with them, take them to different places, go shopping with them, play some music. Follow these?20 simple ways to spend more time with your dog.
It isn’t possible for any living being to remain hype, active, and in a sunshine mood for most of the time. Or is it? No.
Your dog is also no exception in this case. There will be a time when your dog might not be in his best mood. They may try to hint to you or may want to remain alone for some time. In any case, try to figure out their problem as soon as possible and if they want isolation then give them one. You can always keep an eye on them from far.
Has your dog ever leaned against you? If yes, then it’s a good sign as your dog trusts you enough to lean against you. They have the feeling of safety and comfort in your presence. Let them do that.
The method to show love in human ways is slightly different from dogs. Dogs feel loved through physical touch. so massaging is a good way to convey to your dog about your eternal love towards them.
Messaging also benefits your dog in many other ways such as reducing bone injuries, a smooth flow of blood in the vessels, relieving stress, improving muscle tone, and?many more.
No need to massage them every day. Once in a week massaging will be good enough.
You can massage your dog on your own. Here is the link to the massage guide?How to Massage Your Dog (
Or you can take them to the dog massaging centers?Find a Certified Canine Massage Therapist in your area — Holistic Animal Courses (
Every dog will love to sleep in the surrounding of its owner. So, if you are comfortable enough then you can cuddle your dog on your bed. But if you are not then that’s not a problem.
You can always make a dog nest in a comfy corner of your room. But remember that the dog nest should be comfortable and according to the taste of your dog. Keep a lot of pillows and blankets in the dog nest.
This way your dog will feel safe, sound, and homely in your presence.
It is natural that in this hectic life, sparing some time is not always easy. But doing something for your dog and reaching out to them is always worthy.
The feeling that you are making them feel that they are an important part of us is very satisfying.
Making your dog feel loved is extremely satisfying!