How to Make Sure the Designed Database Fits Your Needs
The software development lifecycle (SDLC) aims to ensure that a software product is of high quality at the right cost to meet client requirements.?The phases of the software development lifecycle are planning, analysis, design, development, and maintenance.
The analysis phase basically covers the process of understanding and determining user requirements. After the requirements are determined, the design phase begins. The design phase is the phase in which the software is designed in line with the requirements determined in the analysis phase.?
At the beginning of the design process, various diagrams can be used to see the whole flow from the user's point of view in order to determine the need accurately. One of these is use case diagrams which are an analysis tool that allows one to see the whole picture. These diagrams are used in the analysis processes of projects to determine the current situation and target situation and to agree with stakeholders. System and database design is created based on the use case diagrams created for the agreed business process.?
User needs are as important as the requirements when designing a database. Inaccurate analysis and deductions may lead to ignoring the needs of the user. Some of the factors that may cause the user's needs to be ignored in database design may be as follows:
To avoid these mistakes, it is important to understand the needs of users and to be in constant communication. Starting from requirements analysis, understanding the expectations of users, and getting continuous feedback during the design process is the key to a successful database design.?
What can you do or how can you make sure that the design is finalized correctly during the customization process?
Databases are customized to meet the needs of the user and system components. Failure to take into account the technical requirements can have a number of negative effects in the short and long term such as performance decrease in time, data integrity problems, security vulnerabilities, unstable integrations, and as a result, higher costs for you. So always make sure these features are already considered by your service provider when designing your database:
What do we do to ensure databases designed by us meet and exceed your expectations?
For us, a customized database means the beginning of important changes. For this reason, we handle our projects with a change management approach and make sure that all stakeholders understand the direction, processes, and results of the project and contribute to this project. After analyzing the needs and requests of users from all roles, we offer the best possible database system to the user with the experience we have gained over many years and various projects.
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