How to Make Six Figures as a Part-Time Agent
Plenty of agents make six figures in real estate, but those who do typically work insane hours and hardly have time for anything else. However, there are some agents who only work part-time hours and still manage to make six figures.
Epic Listing Agent Chris Stafford is one of them.
Chris’ annual earnings are in the high six figures, but he rarely works more than 30 hours per week. He has time to spend time with his family, to pursue hobbies; he has time to enjoy everything that life has to offer.
What’s he doing differently than 99 percent of agents out there? Listen to the podcast below to find out. For examples of ways to make more money in less time, read on.
Make More Money in Less Time: Chris’ Suggestions
There are specific things agents should be doing to get listings and specific ways for agents to go about their day for better productivity. According to Chris, the most productive, profitable agents strive to do this job as well as possible in as little time as possible.
In other words, they strive to become more efficient. Here are a few things any agent can do to operate more efficiently:
Don’t you hate those three-hour meetings with sales managers? Don’t they always seem like a huge waste of time?
If you think so, why do you keep going to them? Tell your sales manager you’d rather use that time to prospect and bring in new business. If they’re smart and trust your abilities as an agent, they’ll let you spend that time generating new revenue streams rather than forcing you to sit idly for hours in the conference room.
When you’re at work, focusing on anything other than work is a waste of time. In fact, if your goal is to make as much money in as little time as possible, you should strive to make dollar productive activities your sole focus. These are the activities that generate clients and revenue, not tasks that can be delegated to any non-agent.
Working with buyers can be great, but it’s not the best use of your time. Listings generate more business organically and require far less time on the agent’s part. As a listing agent, you don’t need to worry about showing home after home in order to get a deal done. As a result, you’ll close deals faster, which gives you the ability to close more of them!
To learn more about what Chris does to maximize profit while working part time, download his contribution to the Agent Success Toolbox: The Seven Top Listing Agent Secrets.
Make Six Figures or More with a FREE Copy of My Book
Why stop at six figures in real estate?
For a limited time, I’m giving away free copies of my best-selling book, 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Own Destiny.
Get your free copy and follow my step-by-step system to seven figures in real estate.
For more tips from one of the industry’s most successful part-time agents, listen to the complete podcast interview with Chris Stafford.
Pat Hiban is the author of NYT best selling book “6 steps to 7 figures — A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Destiny”, founder of Rebus University and the host of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars an Agent to Agent Real Estate Radio Podcast with Hiban Digital in Baltimore, Maryland. Follow him on Facebook or Twitter.?