How to make the Right Decision in Life
A major life decision is never a choice but rather a realization that the decision is made on our own choice. Every day we make hundreds of decisions, most of them are small and forgotten nearly as quickly as they are made. Can you remember yourself before asking and thinking what course you gonna take, what job you want or what life you want to become. Every decision you make, from your choices to how you respond to the situations of your life, shapes your destiny. A decision you make today could affect your life tomorrow, a month from now, or years from now. Destiny is the ripple effect of the small and big decisions you make throughout a lifetime. The biggest decisions you will make in your life will impact everything from your emotional well-being, to your relationship, to your family, to your work or to your finances. You may have already made some these decisions or you might be in the process of making them.
What is Decision? Decision is the action or process of deciding something or of resolving a question. Understanding the steps in the decision-making process gives you a strategy for decision making. The way people put decision today is very alarming and most of them decide based on other people's opinions. My point is people forgot that this is a life decisions. Your life is very precious, if something is precious, where do you want to invest your life? If you think your life is worthless life, then throw it somewhere or wake up and listen to me. Today, ask yourself, what and where do you want to invest your life? I give you some lessons that can change how you can decide right and do something remarkable so someday, you will remember and thank for.
The only problem you need to understand in decision-making is think of something truly worthwhile to do, if you think in terms of how to get this kind of thing, or that kind of thing or how to live the life you want, sometimes you do stupid things or something silly and regret it after, that's why you are going around finding temporary happiness, be with people that you think can help you ease the emotion you feel or help you think that the decision you made is just okay or temporary.
That kind of people are not creating what really matters to them, they are living because they need to, or earning a living is necessary and/or just part of life. And they forgot this precious life, are you going to invest it in something that's truly worthwhile or are you going to waste your valuable life? What we call life today is the same life when you are in the very good situations or in good relationship or in good financing status. Everything that happens to us today is based on our decisions yesterday or a long-time ago.
If you made a decision, make sure you stick to it and give it your 100% every single day. No matter what is your decision in every situations, there is no perfect formula in making those decision but the important thing here is you decide based on what is right and you make those decision working and make it happen without regrets. What you are wasting here is not the time you spend on every decision but your life itself. This energy that we call life need to be treated as a precious one. You need to give something good in life in order to work in favor of you. If your decision is bad, it returns negative outcomes, if your decision is good and align with what life is then your life becomes amazing and worth living for. I believe that the Universe is always aligning us to whatever we want or whatever decision we make. It's all up to us on how we react on the situations or make a decision towards something.
Without the influence of anyone, you need to decide on your own, face your own fear, face your own challenge, face your own reality. Stop asking for favor and stop asking for help. Your life depends on you and you need to take the risks and start giving value to your life. When your asking for something make sure your offer is something you will not regret after. You are not the only one that experienced hardship or having a miserable life. Just decide now and stop thinking negative thoughts or doing non-sense activities that make your life become worthless and no value. Remember your life is not just for you alone, if you have kids think of them, if you have parents think of them, if you have siblings and friends, think of them. Think of them as a precious positions to make you inspired and motivated.
Always ask yourself what is you really want in life after 10 or 20 or in 50 years. What is that decision that you think that will be worthwhile today and worthwhile by tomorrow or in the near future for yourself, your kids, your family. And then focus on that decision and make it count on a everyday basis. If you want to become successful decide to become one and start working towards becoming successful. If you want to attract happiness in life then decide to become happy by allowing yourself to entertain people and remove trust issues, start forgiving and forgetting old issues, remove the people in your life that you think is toxic. If you want to become the person you want to be, start acting on it and start improving yourself physically, emotionally and mentally. I know you know what you want and you know what to do, the only problem is the decision process and mindset. Today, as you heard me, I want you to consider your dreams, happiness and goal in life.
Whatever you want in your life, how small or big it is, it doesn't matter, if you see that, this something is truly worthwhile and you invest your life in that, then it will be a life of fulfillment. You must understand that to making things happen the way we want it we need to decide right and we need to work on it and design the way you visualize it, we are the architect of our own life, we are the designer of our life so start visualizing the life you want to become and start building it everyday and don't stop until you see, and live that dream or that life that you are manifested before. You are who you are right now because of what you did yesterday. So be careful on every decision you made and start taking responsibility to your actions.
Today, we are the most luckiest people in our generations that you could ever imagine. With the advent of science and technology, we have more comforts and conveniences than any generations ever could imagine, Right? We are the most comfortable generations ever, and you know why? I give you some scenarios, with the new technology today like your mobile phone you can talk and interact instantly with the people you want whenever and wherever you are, with the internet we can do almost anything in terms of doing business or sharing what you feel or do the impossible ideas from it. With the transportation we have now, we can go anywhere we want with the comfort and ease of mind, did you think those comforts and conveniences you have right now? But still, we as human are keep on complaining and we want more. We think that we are the most intelligent in the room but we forgot that stupid people are also thinking he or she is intelligent. The real definition of intelligent is you know you have bad decisions in life and you want to correct it and change it. That's the measure of intelligence.
If you saw negative things you do something to make it positive. But if you keep on doing the same thing despite of negative outcomes then the problem is not the decision you made but what you do to make that decision worthwhile. This is something that you must do to yourself, it doesn't matter what you want to do in your life, your body and your mind need not to walk away your way, they must work for you. Right now most people they think they have an issue to themselves, when you are an issue, how you will address the issues in the world? how you can decide that this person is the right person you need to vote. How can you decide that you want this or that ? If you want to address the issues in your surroundings, I challenge you to start addressing the issues withing yourself. If you think you are have problems, deal with it, you know the solutions, find it and don't stop until that problem is resolve.
Always think that you are never part of the problem but you are part of the solutions. We are all capable of doing amazing things in life, we just need to decide what and make those amazing things happen, you could do something great which is much larger than yourself, you just need to see it and feel it in your heart. What I think is the problem is the feeling of answering question of when do you start and what to do? This is not the problem because I believe you know exactly what to do and when to start. It's a matter of acting on it, focusing in the result and living towards it.
I give you some examples, if you decided to become healthy and you know that being healthy is by doing a regular exercise and eating a healthy diet meals but you do the opposite then the problem is not the decision you made to become healthy but the action you created towards achieving those goal. If you want a healthy lifestyle and requires you at least 45 minutes of your time exercising a day, then do it everyday.
One another example is if you decided to become financially stable but you keep on complaining about getting it and not building wealth or you just keep on waiting for someone to help you, waiting for a miracle, or maybe you work more than your capacity then the problem is not really the interest on becoming what you want but the process on creating those decisions. If you really want financial freedom then all you have to do is keep on grinding, connect with the right people that wanting wealth, stop connecting with people that you have the same status or much worse than your life.
Start learning, start reading that can mold your skills and talent, start listening and watching motivational show that can make you inspired and grow. Start separating yourself to average people, it is time to wake up and start doing the things for your future. If you do that, you have nothing to lose but so much to gain in life.
The reason why some of the countries in the world today is under poverty or suffering bad economically is because of bad decisions of their leaders.
If we want something better for our country we as citizens we need to have a very good decision on choosing the right leader. And for me as a consultant to make this happen we need to educate people about how to decide smartly and have a choices that based on the right information, so someday they've don't regret it. Nobody can decide what is right and what is wrong every leaders on every countries have the same perception and thinking that they are right. And to those leaders who believe they are doing the right things they are the one doing horrible things decision to each other, right?
So, stop bothering yourself too much about "is this right? or is this wrong? Just decide and act on it. Because everyone of us think that we are right or we are wrong, so deal with whatever your decision is. Because if everybody is wrong and only your decision are right then it is a sign of stupidity within yourself, it is not a sign of being right. So, don't waste your time in right decisions or wrong decisions. When you are definite to your decision, clear and happy, not frustrated about something or someone then that's the time you make a decision, focus your life into it then something amazing will happen.
It's a simple process to transform yourself to be a better one. Whatever we did in our life, we did it with total involvement because life is evolving, life is in the process of correction and healing to becoming a perfect human, we need to evolve, our body is not yet perfect and our decision is very vital achieving a future greatness in the world or in the universe.
My advice is be humane, don't waste your life. Create what matters most to you, to your family and to the society, if you have an idea or someone that you think needs your help on building a legacy together, then be with that person and make it happen. Stop wasting your time to the job or work that never gives you growth, financial freedom, legacy or early retirement.
When you decide on something, even if it is right or wrong, ask yourself, can this decision brings you comfort, happiness, growth or freedom? or can this bring everybody around you a good benefits specially your family. That's all your concern to be. Because people who think they are always right is a terrible people and stupid one. Just make sure when you do something, it is good for you and good for everybody around you. That's all you need to think if your into decision process.
Today, I wish your decision in life become more meaningful and hope you move towards your own awaking because I believe everyone of us is connected. I don't know what you can do or cannot do in your life, whether you want to become wealthy, or the most sexy or intelligent one. Whatever you want and decision in life is, everyone of you can strive to become an amazing human being.
I finish my episode with one question, what you really want in life? Trust the process, decide right and make a living.