How to make it Real- Secret to fulfill your Dreams

How to make it Real- Secret to fulfill your Dreams

Even today only a small percentage of us dream big and an even smaller percentage take our own dreams seriously enough. People say ‘ek bada-sa ghar hona chahiye aur ek acch-si gaadi’ i.e a biggish house and a nice-ish car. With this approach to your dreams, I am afraid you may not be very thrilled when it happens in your life. Even if there was a God granting you your wish, he is unlikely to figure out what you want because you don’t know what you want. He will just tell his secretary ‘Aarey Naradji, yeh ache-se log hain, inko ek bada-sa ghar aur ek acchi-se gaadi de do.’?And Narad or whoever is in charge of this will be too busy to handle such vague request and will delegate it to the junior-most-whatever to take care of your wishes. And then you will complain when it all happens that it’s not what you wanted.

?I don’t know why this happens. Is it because we are afraid to dream of something big because we will be disappointed when it doesn’t happen. Maybe at the back of our mind we know such good things will not happen to us because we don’t deserve it. Or if we are seen to be greedy then God will punish us by not granting it or that chasing artha and kama related needs is not worth it because they don’t help us feel really secure and satisfied. Lastly, we are afraid to think big because we know we will have to work harder for it. I don’t know. But all this is not helping us achieve whatever we want to achieve and we feel we are missing some big things in our life.?We need to change it.

?Look at the items in your bucket list and add details describing what you want. Then go to Google and get some more details, if possible, an image and add it to your list. If it’s a car, which car, model, color, etc, add these images to you list. Make what you want more than just a word, make it rich with images and sound if possible that represent what you want in a way that makes it more desirable, and gets your energy flowing every time you think of it. This is your secret weapon against instant gratification items because your feeling brain does not differentiate between real and imaginary. It will motivate you to do what is necessary to achieve these things, run the marathon.

Find out what it cost today and add that also. For example, if you looking at your child’s higher education, look at the possible colleges he or she might want to go to and the cost of college tuition fees and hostel. Or for a vacation abroad, find out the cost today. If, it’s a house, figure out the location, the size, etc, and get a good idea of what it costs today. You will be able to do this virtually for anything thanks to Google Aunty.

If you are married or otherwise have a partner in an until-death-do-us-apart relationship then ask him or her to make a personal bucket list. I think it would be great if exchanging bucket lists was mandatory before marriage. But, better late than never. Once you both have the list, agree to share it without passing any judgment on them, no veto rights to anyone, just a better understanding of what the other wants.?Some items may overlap, that’s great and some may even come as a surprise, which is even better. It shows there’s much to discover in each other.

But first you there’s a lot to discover from the list that you have made – show me what a man has on his Bucket List and I’ll show you the Man.

If you are still reading, I believe that you are interested to know more. To get a more detailed understanding on investments, read the book: How the heck to Invest and Reach Nirvana by Raymond Moses for FREE (offer for limited days).



