How to Make Readers Come Back for More?
One of the hardest aspects of being a writer is to make the readers or your audiences come back to you again, to read another work by you – either by making a signature character or perhaps by following a genre that the youth finds more relatable. In this article, we are going to read about how to make readers come back for more?
Provide Explanation to Genuine Life Problems
A genre of books that is known for helping out people is self-help books but it does not always have to be a self-help or inspirational book that will provide answers to your genuine life issues. It often happens that writers portray a morally gray or coming of age character who becomes the favorite of the audience as they could relate more with the actions of the character and the consequences he is facing, but how he comes out of it and what changes he brings in his life is the solution of his life problems. If writers could provide such characters and solve real-life problems that are reliable to abundance will compel your readers to come back for more such characters.
Close with a Cliff-hanger
Cliff-hanger is one of the best qualities to include in any book. It is majorly used in mystery books, be it a crime, detective, thriller, or horror, cliff-hanger plays a significant role in the success and popularity of the book. Just like daily soaps or Netflix series, the cliff-hanger is something that keeps the excitement of the reader burning till they get to the root and conclusion of the scenario. If writers are meaning to write another part of a similar book, make sure to utilize the cliff-hanger technique. Even if there is not a second part or continuation, a writer still can end a book on an unending note for the readers to assume or build the best of their imagination for the ending.
Develop Curiosity about Characters
There are only two things that a reader loves the most one is the character and then the character builder. It is not an easy task to focus on one character even though they are the protagonist, but what is tough is to maintain the concentration of the readers towards the main character and keep them curious about it. From William Shakespeare’s character dressing up as a man to be safe and survive in a different kingdom to Oscar Wilde’s character Dorian Gray evolving after meeting Lord Henry. The readers were entirely looking forwards to how a woman will survive in a man’s attire and what happens to the innocent boy Dorian after he meets the not-so-innocent Henry.
Connect with Your Previous Stories
One of the ways to keep the readers coming back to your new story is to draw a conclusion or make a cameo of a character from the previous story that is either loved or despised by all. This phenomenon of the cameo is common in films. A minute or just a dialogue by a character from a previous story or just a cameo of a celebrity who is loved by the director will sell. In the same way, books will sell or become highly popular with the book names that have been written drawing a connection with an old character by the similar merchandise.
Provide What the Readers Want
It often happens that after dwelling with a character for more than a few pages we try to draw a conclusion or happy ending for it by saying that they did not deserve this life, this school, partner, and more. If the writer keeps in serious touch with the books and their reviews on social media, the writer would know what will please the readers and how exactly are they going to react to certain changes in the book. Always try to provide what the readers want from us, which will let them keep track of you.