How to Make a Personal Connection that Lasts a Lifetime

How to Make a Personal Connection that Lasts a Lifetime

How are you at networking events? Are you a little clunky with your conversations?

What about on sales calls? Do you know what to say? And most importantly, do you make the sale?

These questions aren’t meant to call you out, but just to show you where you’re at in making personal connections.

I struggled with this for a long time. I hated small talk and chit chat. I just really did not understand the need for it.

When I talked to people, I wanted to get straight down to business.

Guess what??

That just does not work when you’re trying to build personal connections that last a lifetime.

I had to learn how to become genuinely interested in someone else’s life outside of business.

No, I still don’t care what they had for breakfast or where they went on vacation, but I learned how to connect with people in a genuine way.

Load up on conversation ammunition

If you want to hit your target in sales or growing your business, you need conversation ammunition.

What is it?

Conversation ammunition is the information you pick up from listening.

You then keep it in mind to use later in the conversation to seal the deal or just push the conversation further and deeper to know more about them.

I love asking people to share their story with me.

And while hearing their story isn’t the most important thing, it’s the ammunition I get to push the conversation forward.

Asking questions not only allows them to open up and be vulnerable with me, but it also helps to know if I even want them as a client in the first place.

But I don’t just say “share your story with me” and that’s it. Sold!

You have to be prepared and know what to ask them…

Questions questions questions

Do you go into your sales calls or networking events with a purpose and intention?

Where do you want the conversation to go? Do you want to make a sale? Just meet and get to know someone??

Before you ask any questions, know what you want to get out of a conversation.

Especially if you’re not good at new personal connections, questions will save your skin every time.

First, you gotta be interested in the other person you’re talking to. Genuinely.

You can’t just jump out of the gate “Hey, want to buy my services?” That’s not a personal connection that will last a lifetime. That’s a short and awkward conversation.

Second, what questions are you asking? Are they thoughtful? Do they lead to a meaningful conversation?

And what’s your follow up question to your initial, thoughtful question?

Bottom line is, what information do you want to know by having this conversation and learning how to do that in a natural and inviting way?

In other words, be the captain.

Captain the conversation

As you could probably tell, I like to lead the charge in my conversations.

When I’m talking with someone I want to know more about, I have them tell me their story first.

And when it’s time for it, I share my story in a way that connects with their experience.?

I know how to tell my story in ways where another person can relate because I went through the same problems they may be going through right now.

Don’t get me wrong, I get vulnerable. I open up. Because if I don’t open up and I know I can add value to this person’s life, I’m wasting all of our time.

I want the other person to know that I’m here to have a deep conversation and to let them know that I’ve screwed up worse than they have and I get it.

At the end of the day, though, ask questions that steer you in the direction you want to go. Don’t talk about pancakes for an hour just because you don’t know how to change the trajectory of the conversations.?

Be the captain!

Start online to take it offline

Just like you wouldn’t stand in front of someone as they talk and not be interactive, you wouldn’t do that online.

You can, but not if you’re serious about building a business with lasting personal connections.

Online is for connection so use it!?

I like to comment on people’s posts I like. And I don’t just throw up a few fire emojis and peace out. I actually add value to the thread whether it’s a valuable comment or a thoughtful question.

Not only is there an opportunity to connect with the person who posted it, but also for others who are going to see the comment to connect with me.

One thing people miss about how to use online resources for building personal connections is they wait for people to interact with them.

That’s not how you do it.?

I’ve gotten more interaction with people by commenting on their posts more than I have on my actual posts.

And whatever you do in those conversations, that’s not a time to pitch.

If you find this person has potential to be your client, grab their information to meet them offline or even online for a more personal/business meeting.

Meeting people online and on these social platforms is to make the initial connection, give as much value as you can, and then get those people on a call.

Without relationships and personal connections, business does not exist.

Creating personal connections that last a lifetime is a skill that anybody can pick up. You just have to be willing and curious.

Main takeaways:

  1. Load up on conversation ammunition
  2. Ask questions (prepare them!)
  3. Captain the conversation
  4. Start online to take it offline

As always, if you’ve got any tips or tricks of value out of this, do us a favor, and make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter! Become one of our Champions, Visit & email us at: [email protected]

Donnie Boivin is the Founder and CEO of the Success Champion Networking, a 4x best-selling author and host of the Growth Mode Podcast.

#Networking #SuccessChampion #Business

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Carmen Flores

Ditched all the ceilings, glass & otherwise, and bet on myself. Knew it was now or never and it turns out that I'm a great bet. If you know you've got what it takes, DM me.

10 个月

Great tips. I know my introverted friends will love this! This is a natural skill for me, but I've never really thought deeply about HOW I do what I do. Thanks for this great insight.

Lori Saitz

Employee Well-being Consultant ?? Delivering results = 30+% reduction in workplace stress & anxiety, 81% more engagement & up to 200% ROI

2 年

Making connections and building relationships is one of my strengths, which is kinda funny given that I was such a shy kid. My recent indoor rock climbing experience, which I posted about today, is a direct result of connecting with someone here on LI. ??

Laura Templeton

Pro Speaker??Bestselling Author??ChatGPT Fan??Fun Podcast Guest???Brand Communication Geek??Empowering Brands to Connect with Clarity, Confidence, & Compassion: Embracing AI for Authentic Communication & Success??????

2 年

Great insight Donnie! Thanks for the encouragement and the great reminder to be a giver. #giversgain #gogiver #networking

AJ And Company

Credit Specialist at CreditRestorers, has partnered w/ Banks, Car Dealers, Credit Card Providers, Furniture Dealers, Financial Loan Professionals, Realtors & Brokers & other Credit Repair Companies to help strengthen up.

2 年

Hello Donnie, your commentaries Are very important And useful, when creating or leading a conversation for an impactful business or personal relationship, I find that many people don’t like a direct Approach, so it’s best to Adapt to yours. I totally Agree with Asking questions, even it’s just a couple; cause questions do Allow us to relate with one Another, also a comment, most often will open the gate for someone to pour out, more.


