How to Make the Onboarding Experience of Apps Interesting & Unforgettable
While onboarding is a key aspect of every mobile app irrespective of the OS/devices, it is the only element that decided the actual user base. Being the first stage of an app experience, it determines whether a user is going to proceed or continue using the app or will just abandon it finding it complicated. Many hold the misconception that onboarding is just about showing up 4-5 screens with illustrative tooltips on the user interface regarding how to use the app. However, it is lots more than that and includes aspects of marketing and specific-targeting to make the first time visitors hooked to the app and turn them into loyal users. Below are some of the best interesting ways to enhance the onboarding process in the app to make it ever-lasting on the minds of the users.
Go for Progressive onboarding
Onboarding can be function-oriented, benefits-oriented or progressive. However, progressive onboarding lays the best experience for users as it helps them to learn by doing. Everything that actually needs to be done on the app to leverage its purposes fully is allowed to do in the first stage by providing instructions in context on the screens and pointing out the icons that will trigger the required actions.
Let users know its value
Besides giving an overview on the introductory page of the app, showing them its value can make onboarding powerful at withholding most of the first time users. Display them the key strengths of your app and what they could achieve using it as it engages them further after they are onboard.
Create a user journey
The next prominent step to enhance the onboard experience is creating a path that users have to follow for achieving their goals. While this may begin with some key moments such as Opening the app, creating a profile, the last focus will be on the moment that manifests a user has reached the goal. Providing a journey map to the users will no doubt captivate their interests and make them stick to the app.
Keep it uber simple
Users are the key focus of the apps and hence app makers should try to keep their onboard simplest for them. For each of the steps on the onboard phase, they should make user input minimum and give a clear explanation for the information that users have to necessarily put into the app.
Make it interactive
Some apps' onboarding becomes highly off-the-track from their use. Static texts are often used which are the least impactful way for introducing the app and explaining its rules of use. Rather, using the mechanics of the app is more engaging for the users as it allows them to use the actual interface solutions. Thus, instead of leaving a blank state for the users, app makers should use onboarding efficiently, that is, by guiding, educating and prompting them. Maximising the communication value for the visitors in the app and directing them in an interactive way can turn them into active users.
Thinking from the perspective of the first-time users is crucial to make onboarding potential enough to get the maximum number of active users. One thing that every owner should bear in mind is that users do not install an app to learn about its use or features, but actually execute some tasks to achieve their purpose through it. Thus, makers should rightfully design the app's onboarding to help them accomplish that.